Title: The Next Cup Of Coffee
Pairing: Donghae/Eunhyuk, Tablo/Eunhyuk, slight!Eunhyuk/Hyoyeon
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,289
Summary: The first cup of coffee never be able to make the memories go away, so he drinks the next cup of coffee to keep him awake from those sleeps he never wanted to have, or at least the dream on it.
A/N This is my first songfic ever and because I really admire how Eunhyuk admires Tablo, I make a songfic from Epik High’s song ‘Coffee’. Hope the story suitable with the song.
First Cup : No Particular Destination
It’s already the fifth cup of coffee.
With no particular destination
I walk as if I’m in a hurry, endlessly.
I’ve already emptied out my wallet.
With no special wants,
Pretending to be all busy, endlessly.
May 11, New York
Eunhyuk walked in hurry on the sidewalk, blowing on a cup of hot espresso in his right hand and eyes scanning a paper he held on his left hand. This morning as usual he woke up late for work, so eventhough he has a coffee-brewer at his apartment, he always bought coffee at a café near his office. Usually the waitress had laid out the coffee before Eunhyuk comes – every Monday ‘til Friday at 8 in the morning – so he didn’t have to wait longer.
The paper he scan, contained some new clothes designs in the right side of it and the model on the left side, and his job was to choose which clothes that suitable for which model before the photo session started in… 15 minutes! He sped up his step on the sidewalk of busy streets in New York, bumping with people who also used this road to wherever their destinations are. As he neared his destination, the tenth story contemporary building, someone from inside the building come out running and collided with him lightly, but it was enough to make the coffee in his hand spills a little to the person’s blue sneakers.
Eunhyuk gasped as he cursed his clumsiness and then looked up to saw the running man. The man has messy hair and smoky eyes as he stared at Eunhyuk with frowned expression, “I’m sorry… I was in hurry and-”
“No… it was my fault…I was in hurry too!” the man said cutting off what Eunhyuk was about to tell, before continued running towards where Eunhyuk had come.
Eunhyuk eyed the person disappeared in the crowded street and suddenly his eyes couldn’t stop searching for the man. Before he realized it, people started bumping on him and he had to keep his balance and he realized that he was standing in front of the entrance of the building. Shaking off his thoughts, he looked at his wristwatch and jumped in shock as he realized that the photo session would started in less than 10 minutes. He rushed to the elevator that would lead him to the 9th floor. It took him 5 minutes to just arrive at his office. His co-worker greeted him.
“Morning, Eunhyuk-sshi… Bryan said he’ll wait for you on the roof so get ready!” Hyo, her name, was korean just like him. She was Bryan’s secretary and Bryan was his boss, the one that would take the photoshoot today.
“Okay! I’ll rush there then, thank you Hyo-shii!”
Before he was off to the roof, Hyo called him again, “be careful Hyukjae-sshi!”
Hearing that name from his co-worker lips, made Eunhyuk stopped in his track. The name was only a name his parents gave him but it could bring back a distance memory, the other didn’t know though. So it wasn’t their fault to say that. Eunhyuk just waved his hand to the back without turned his body and running to where the photoshoot taken place.
“You’re lucky the model has just arrived 5 minutes ago!” Bryan scolded as Eunhyuk sat in front of him to discuss about the photoshoot today.
Eunhyuk just smiled apologetically, knowing that his boss wouldn’t scold him for a long time. They had known each other for 2 years now and Eunhyuk was the first assistant he had. Bryan was a new photographer in New York but in one year he had been one of the most famous and success photographer there, so he needed an assistant to arrange his schedule and stuff. Eventhough Eunhyuk didn’t get a proper education in fashion world, but his sense of fashion was quite high since he was in high school. He didn’t get this job from only his sense though, because Bryan had sent his trusty person to teach Eunhyuk these and those things on the first months of his training to make Eunhyuk be able to do his work properly. At first it made Eunhyuk wondering what made Bryan gave the job to him. Maybe for Bryan it just the same like giving job to other people but for Eunhyuk that was a gift.
The 22 years old Eunhyuk, left his own country to get a ‘life’ in New York. At first, he told his parents that he would get a job in New York as a dancer like he used to do in high school but because of his education in accountancy, maybe he could just work for some office jobs or stuff and if he didn’t get a job soon, his parents, as a good mom and dad they were, wouldn’t neglect their precious son in a foreign country alone and would send him to college again until he got himself a job. Apparently, when someone offered him this job – which never once crossed in his mind – he took it because there’s nothing much he could do in a foreign country without a job. For despite what had become his reason to be here in the first place, he had to continue his edging life.
Eunhyuk sighed if the memory of his past came to him even just for a second because it was tiring as it was always hurting him in every possible way – as if a memory could hurt people, huh – and it had ruined his life once before he could get up and move on, but still it wouldn’t leave him alone. He’s 25 now and those memories of his childish day still lingered on his soul.
May 11, Seoul
The moon was high. It was shining, reflecting what the sun gave it every single day without hesitate. He leaned on the rails of his balcony outside his bedroom, the fake-shining moon reflected in his brown eyes. Eventhough his eyes were focused on the moon but his mind kept wandering to where the sun would be right now. How could it gave the moon light but it could never be seen at night. The sun must be somewhere else, since it wouldn’t dare to go anywhere or the night should die.
“You must be somewhere… where the sun shine on you.” He murmured. It had become a habit of him every night since 3 years ago, just to convince himself from believing that it didn’t go, it could never and would never go.
Because even if he was alone in the night, he knew that the sun, his sun, would always give him the light he needed. Eventhough the sun itself didn’t know about it.
“Hae… your coffee..” someone called form inside the bedroom. A gentle, sweet voice suddenly filled his mind with another thought beside ‘the sun’, reminding him that he didn’t really alone in this life, but his heart still, no one could accompany it beside ‘his sun’.
May 11, New York
Eunhyuk occupied himself with work everyday in the noon, avoided to be alone. He stood in the crowd every now and then, it was pretty easy to do that actually because his job required him to be around people all the time, to arrange people. At lunch break, he always be the one to ask people to go with him, together would be fun, he said.
“Wanna go lunch with me..?” he asked Hyo who was still busy with whatever she did on her PC.
Hyoyeon turned her head as soon as she heard her name being called by that familiar voice she known for 2 years already, “of course… you asked the other?” she smiled after answering Eunhyuk’s offer.
Eunhyuk shook his head, “no… they have appointment already. So, let’s get going!” he said and led the way to the elevator with Hyoyeon and a big grin on her face.
The girl couldn’t stop her smile all the way to the café Eunhyuk had mentioned. This was the first time they go for lunch together, eventhough Eunhyuk always asked her to go, the other employee always come with them. Hyoyeon had never been happier in her life like this day; had lunch together with her crush for 2 years. Yes, Hyoyeon had been falling for Eunhyuk since the man came to the company for the first time. She liked Eunhyuk’s figure the longer she knows him. But unfortunately, she didn’t know the real Eunhyuk, what he did outside his job, his habit, or his lover maybe. She only knew Eunhyuk from the outside of him.
“Eunhyuk-sshi, you often come here?” Hyoyeon asked as they sat inside a pasta shop not far from their building.
“Yeah, at night, because today is just us two so maybe we can just go find a rather small place, not huge like when we come with the other.” Eunhyuk answered. The place was indeed small with just a few seats scattered around, one seat for 2 people, but it was very comfy. They sat at one corner near the window so they could watch people wandering around on the street, as one of the waiter come.
“Can I take your order?” he asked in Korean, it made Hyoyeon turned her head in a flash towards the guy. The guy wasn’t wearing any of waiter’s uniform, instead he wear a jeans and an indigo blazer outside a plain white T’s.
“Why do you come by yourself, Kyu?” Eunhyuk asked, amused by this guy.
“This is the first time you come with a girl, I won’t let it pass, hyung!” the Kyu guy countered.
Eunhyuk was still laughing by this man’s behavior before introduced him, “Hyo, this is Kyuhyun, he’s the owner of this restaurant. This is Hyoyeon, she’s my co-worker.”
Kyuhyun and Hyoyeon smiled to each other as they were shaking hands, “nice to meet you, Hyoyeon-sshi!”
“Nice to meet you too, also since you’re Korean, I guess it’s very great!” she smiled brightly.
“That’s good! So, Hyoyeon-sshi, you’re working with Eunhyuk-hyung right now?” Kyuhyun asked as he settled himself on the chair he just took from the table beside theirs.
“Yes, we are working for 2 years already… he didn’t tell you?” Hyoyeon was slightly dissapointed with what Kyuhyun said. Because there was nothing special between them, an opposite from what she thought.
“I’ve told you, didn’t I?” Eunhyuk intejected, “I told you Bryan also has a secretary and she’s that person.”
“But you didn’t mention her name.” Kyuhyun stated.
Eunhyuk just laughed, it was handsome, Hyoyeon thought. She never saw Eunhyuk this happy with something all the time she knew him.
“Okay… Kyu, I came here not for talking with you, we’re hungry and we want some of your delicious cooking.” Eunhyuk finally ordered.
Kyuhyun also laughed before standing from his seat, “I’ll get it… and I’ll make sure to bring you two our special recipe.”
“Where’s Ming, by the way?” Eunhyuk asked just before Kyuhyun turned to leave.
“Oh… I’ll call Minnie for you too, okay…” and he left to the kitchen.
“Minnie?” Hyoyeon suddenly asked.
“Oh, that’s Kyuhyun’s lover, actually I know Kyuhyun from-”
Someone from the kitchen barged out and screamed for Eunhyuk’s name. Hyoyeon turned to the source of that voice and saw a man with jacket in the same color of Kyuhyun’s blazer. She eyed the man’s cute face and widened her eyes when she looked at his hair, it was pink. Eunhyuk stood up as soon as this man jogged to him and they hugged each other. They seemed really close, because the pink-man even checked Eunhyuk’s face and body with his hand.
“You okay? I told you this eyebag won’t vanish if you keep staying up all night, you should get a proper sleep, understand!” he scolded and Eunhyuk faked a pout.
“Hyung, you told me that 2 days ago!”
“It’s not enough! I think I should tell you this everyday!”
They kept arguing on each other for a minute or so and Hyoyeon could just smile, satisfied to know something about her crush eventhough just a little.
“Okay, okay, hyung…” Eunhyuk sighed, “by the way, I didn’t come alone, this is Hyoyeon, my co-worker.”
“Oh, hi Hyoyeon-sshi! Nice to meet you! I’m Sungmin!” he smiled widely and warmly to Hyoyeon and extended his hand.
She accepted that warm hand and smiled back, “nice to meet you too!”
The rest of the lunch, they spent together with Sungmin as company. Hyoyeon didn’t mind, eventhough her ‘date’ was aborted but she could never be this happy in life, to know more about Eunhyuk was also her dream. Sungmin and Eunhyuk had known each other from high school, so they told Hyoyeon about Eunhyuk’s life in Korea and after he moved to New York. But there was a strange feeling Hyoyeon felt about it, it felt like something just skipped to be told.
May 11, Seoul
The embrace never stood for any longer, but at least tonight it could last until past midnight. He would release her before he got disgusted with himself. The woman that lay beside him wouldn’t notice though, seemed like she always in a deep slumber every night, when he got up from bed and headed for the kitchen to make him a cup of coffee, to keep him awake because he didn’t feel like sleep was the best solution for his wandering mind. For everytime he fell asleep, he didn’t want to wake up again. It was wrong because he shouldn’t. Eventhough it was a blissful dream, he afraid that he wouldn’t get to come back to his real live.
A real live…
Had a lot of money, beautiful wife, close to his parents and families was what they called his real live. But love wasn’t. It’s only in his dream. People didn’t live their dream. But their love wasn’t only in their dream, was it? They could joint the reality and love all at once, and it was what he could call a real live. But why couldn’t he?
May 11, New York
It was 10 in the night already but Eunhyuk still wandering around in the street near his apartment. After he finished his job at 8, he went first to supermarket and bought some ingredients and because he just came to Sungmin’s shop this afternoon, he just took a walk to his apartment and didn’t use any public transportation. He came in the front of the coffee shop not far from his apartment, the one that he always came to every morning to have his late coffee.
When Eunhyuk entered the coffee shop, there’re many customers come as always in this kind of time until midnight. He didn’t see an empty seat anywhere but there’s someone who occupied a table for 4 people beside the window alone, maybe he could take a seat there, the person seemed not too occupied with work or anything and he just wanted to enjoy his coffee in silent also. So after Eunhyuk ordered his Americano, he walked slowly to the seat and tried to greet that person who was wearing a black jacket at that time.
“Excuse me… I wonder if this seat is taken? There’s no empty seat left and if you don’t mind, can I sit here just for a while?” Eunhyuk asked to that person with jetblack hair.
The man looked up from his coffee and Eunhyuk now could see that he’s wearing a thick-rimmed glasses, “oh, it’s okay… please.” He smiled and motioned for Eunhyuk to have his seat.
“Thank you.” He said with a big smile.
“Did we meet before?” the man suddenly asked when Eunhyuk just had his first sip.
“Eh? Did we?” he asked in confusion. Did he ever meet this guy? He tried to recollect his mind and so did the guy. They stared at each other’s face and instead of remembering where they had met, they felt like there was something similar in them. Was it the clothing because they wore black that day? Or maybe something on their faces? Yes, there was a little similarity on them, Eunhyuk thought.
“Oh, right!” the man suddenly yelled, “you spilled coffee on my shoes this morning, remember?”
Ah, the smokey-eyes guy, Eunhyuk thought. He’s different from this morning with glasses and almost tidy hair. “aah, right! Sorry for it!” he smiled his gummy smile and the man return it.
“I’m Daniel, by the way!” he extended his hand and Eunhyuk shook it.
“Hyuk- Eunhyuk..”
“You’re Korean, right?” Daniel asked the question that seemed there from the very first time.
Eunhyuk smiled knowingly before answering, “yes, and I can ask for the same to you too, am I right?”
“Pretty much! How long have you been in New York?” Daniel asked again as he sipped his espresso.
“Just about two years... I bet you’ve lived here longer.” Eunhyuk asked in return.
“Believe it or not, Korea is just the place where I born in and the rest 29 years I spent here.” Daniel stated.
Eunhyuk gasped, he didn’t expect this guy in front of him was older than him, “you don’t look older than me.” He form a frown.
“Oh, really?? How old are you?”
“I’m 25 this year!” and they laughed.
This was the first time after a long time Eunhyuk could laugh like this. He even didn’t feel weird again to laugh in front of other. Meeting someone new was what he needed most and he got the chance. Maybe this was also the chance for him to move on.
After exchanged phone number, Eunhyuk and Daniel separated ways and then promised to call each other or maybe meet again someday. He didn’t know how Daniel feel, but he felt like they really would meet again at a different time or so Eunhyuk like to think. Compulsion of mind or whatever they wanted to say, but he really want to move on, it was hard so he didn’t even close to that final. Forget.
It always come at night, that’s cause him to drink coffee everynight before going to sleep. He actually didn’t want to sleep because sleeping would bring him to his life and the result was forget that you want to forget, because you never could. Eunhyuk knew that trying to forget about him was just as useless as trying to walk upon the water, but at least he tried. Busied himself in the noon, avoiding to be in daydream and talk as much as he could, since he’s not a very talkative person. After that, home was always be the most scary place ever since he would be alone, so Eunhyuk also avoiding to be not at home as long as possible, but since he wasn’t ever befriended with dark, he always be home at least before 12 o’clock. Then after cleaned himself, he tried not to sleep early and drink coffee until sleep slowly taking him by itself.
Like this night, he was in front of the TV watching a lame midnight program and drinking a cup of coffee, trying to be absorbed in the program. Trying to wander his mind into something else, but he couldn’t. In the end he sat on his window frame and stared at New York’s midnight life, how bright this city opposite from what he felt right now. Always feeling alone eventhough his friends always there whenever needed. But he wasn’t here thus he never felt like been filled. He was there, living his bright, beautiful and happy life and has company, Eunhyuk’s sure he would never be alone and sad again like what he used to say. Eunhyuk wasn’t happy with that but at least he could feel relieved because the one he love would never be unhappy again. He got what he wanted, a family like what he always said in the past.
His phone rang. At first he wanted to ignore it again like every other night. It maybe Sungmin again, checking whether he’s sleeping or not and then would scold him like a mother to her child about health and you need to work, but the ring never stopped so he come to check it.
“Hello?!” he asked the other line with slight annoying tone.
“Yoboseyo?” a man, on the other line, greeted. Eunhyuk frowned, there’s a familiarity to that voice, but he couldn’t remember whose is it. It was from someone in Korea, he’s sure of it. It wasn’t his father’s or his.
“Is this really Hyukjae’s number?” the man continued talking in Korean.
“Yes, it is. I’m sorry, but who is this?” he asked once again.
But the man didn’t answer that instant, instead he sounded like calling another people, “babe, this is really Hyukjae!” and the next thing Eunhyuk knew was that his ear felt like it’s been torn apart because of another voice from Korea. “HYUKJAE!!!!!!”
He’s got annoyed by that voice at first but after he realized whose voice is that, he widened his eyes and gasped, “hyung?!”
“Yah! I don’t want to be your hyung anymore, how come you didn’t even once call me in almost 2 years??!! Aish! I could never be this angry in all my life but you’ve got me going crazy, Hyuk!” the man stopped to take a breathe.
Eunhyuk lowered his head before saying, “I’m sorry, Jungsoo-hyung.”
The man named Jungsoo sighed but then chuckled, “finally I found you, Hyuk! I thought I would never hear your voice again. How are you there?” he asked with different tone, softer and mother-like this time, just like the old time.
“I’m fine, really!I’m happy to hear your voice, actually, and how are you doing?”
“You know where I am? I’m in Hawaii, Hyuk, Hawaii!!” Jungsoo yelled like crazy and Eunhyuk couldn’t help but laugh at his sunbae at school back then’s behavior, “you remember my lover, Kangin?”
“Oh? The one that went to army?”
“Yeah, he just comeback 2 months ago and now we’re doing holiday to every place!”
“That’s good, hyung!” and then silent from the other line, Eunhyuk also didn’t like this, Jungsoo-hyung must be expecting some more expressions from him, but he just couldn’t, not when Jungsoo-hyung also the part of what he wanted to forget.
“Hyuk... how many years again do you want to spend your live there?” Jungsoo suddenly asked with a careful voice.
Eunhyuk took a deep breathe before continuing, “you know the purpose to why I came here, hyung, and I won’t go anywhere before I reach my destination.”
“I don’t want to make you offended, but I don’t think you can, and I know you also know that!” Jungsoo stated firmly.
“I ‘m trying, hyung.”
“And you know that he always loves you.”
Eunhyuk’s breathe caught in his throat of hearing that, “I don’t know, hyung, I absolutely don’t know!” he managed to say without even a single air on his lungs.
Jungsoo could only sigh again, “I know. By the way, I think our next stop will be in US, you have to be ready to welcome us, okay!”
“Really!! I’ll wait for you then, hyung!” he smiled and make sure that the person on the other line could feel it too.
“Great! Bye Hyuk, sleep tight!”
“Thank’s hyung!” and he hung up on his hyung.
He sighed before flopping down on the couch. He hated it when someone was right about him, his life, and the result to that was the more he wanted to be alone forever, when there were no people to confront anything about his life, but with the knowledge of the people around him always wanted to be around because they love him, he just couldn’t escape again. Sometimes he just wanted to be far away from everyone if maybe that was the only solution for him to be able to forget about his past, but it far from reality.
Eunhyuk wasn’t a person who talk alot but also not a person that didn’t open. In fact, even if he didn’t realize it himself, people would easily know him like an open book. He never be able to hide something especially from someone who knew him for a long time. Hyukjae, to his friend was a person that never had secret. It was good though, for Lee Hyukjae, to know that people knew what was inside his heart, but not this time. This time he just wanted to be alone, without people around him that could immediately told him that something was wrong, it would just bring forth more pain.
This was his 3rd cup of coffee, with a lot of thought he tried to be awake just a for a couple of minute, but the heaviness of his eyes and the sweet lullaby from his mother that always echoed in his mind, told him that he hust be sleeping right now, he needed it, and without him realize it, he’s already on top of his bed. The it come. The time where they still wear uniform, one boy was wearing it on rules but the other didn’t. With messy shoulder length hair and a black tie tied unneatly on an unbuttoned white shirt, the slightly delinquent boy held the boy with glasses’ hand tight, walking together from school to home and stealing kisses on the way. He also saw them on the bus, lening on his shoulder as he gazed at the scenery of sea outside the window. All Eunhyuk could see on his dream was their beautiful memory, but how come he always saw himself crying on it? He cried when they held hand, he cried when they kissed, he cried when they sleep together in each others arms, his heart ached, he thought he could never feel happiness anymore.
“Hyukjae...” he heard him whispered his name softly and he felt his heart became numb. He cried again on his sleep.
Second Cup: Don’t miss out on the cup of eternity
And so i play my guitar, I always play my guitar. Karamiau saigetsu wo tadoru tabiji de. Mabuta ni kanjiru yuuitsu no honoo. Natsu no nagori wo utsusu mina no ne. Hanatsu senritsu yo tooku tooku kanawanakutomo ~Loreley~
[Oneshot] HyoHyuk - Tik Tok
Title: Tik Tok (based on 2PM's song, same title)
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Hyoyeon
Rating: NC17
Length: 1/1
Genre: Song Fic
Summary: Their relationship comes when a boy meets a girl, but how they walk on it isn't what the ordinary people called a relationship.
Nobody knows
How I want you like this everyday
Everytime I embrace you behind the stage
My heart burst
Their relationship isn’t inspired by how they are being the best dancers in the two groups or because the company says that SNSD was the girl version of Super Junior. Even less they also don’t reflect on what Donghae and Jessica did in the past before the two of them finally debuted. But their relationship starts just as the usual, love comes when a boy meets a girl. However, how they walk on it isn’t what the ordinary people called a relationship.
We greet each other awkwardly in front of people
But when we turn away, I’m the one who knows you best
Hyoyeon sits on the couch behind their make-up desk and is watching the TV above which is broadcasting Rain’s song ‘Love Song’ by Super Junior, 2AM, and 2PM. She’s really absorbed by the performance, she doesn’t notice everyone is busy for their upcoming performance right next after this one. She smiles genuinely when Eunhyuk’s part comes and agapes when he sings very good to it. But before it ends, she’s being dragged by Tiffany to prepare their performance, she sighs.
I can hear more loudly in my ear
What you say with that gaze, that’s right
Your desire for me, your thirst
We go crazy for each other like this
“Oppa, you’re so handsome!!”
She hears the other SNSD members yell when Shindong, Eunhyuk, Jokwon, Chansung and Nichkun come to the backstage. She spots him, so funny with his fake eyelashes but extremely hot with his black wife-beater covering his sculpted torso, highfive-ing with Sunny – who stands beside her – and then turns to her. He does that also to her before bowing comfortably but obliviously awkward. When they walk to a different way, they glance over and found each other’s eyes. In 3 seconds it meets but it actually says thousand things. They smile and just the two of them knows what the smiles mean.
That I love you secretly
That you’re really my girl
Drive me so crazy everyday
I just want you, you this way
It’s been midnight when Eunhyuk rings the bell to the red painted house and 1 minute later an old man opens it for him. The old man smiles even if it is visible that he’s just awakened from sleep. Eunhyuk gives him an apologetic smile but the old man brushes it off. The old man walks back to the kitchen after locks the door and leaves Eunhyuk under the stairs. He climbs it soon when he realizes that he’s in the dark living room alone.
Eunhyuk opens one door to his left that he’s known by the heart even if it’s dark all over the house. He finds that the light come only from the bedside table but it also switch on to off and on again and like that continously by a hand that creep from under the blanket. Eunhyuk chuckles to that before sits on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes and jacket.
“It will be perishable, you know, eventhough it’s expensive…” he says and hears a sigh from under the blanket as a response.
The girl pulls off the blanket from her upper body and stares at Eunhyuk’s back. He still wears that wife-beater he wore when performing Love Song. She looks at his elegance neck to his shoulder blades down to his toned arms. How lucky she is to have this handsome man that – she knows – loved by millions people, but that is not the important thing. What people see is just the outside of him, she… knows him from the deep inside of him. How he always treats her like a woman should be, he always been a best boyfriend she ever had. Nobody knows though.
Come here, tik tok tik tok tik tok
When I see you, tik tok tik tok tik tok
All day tik tok tik tok tik tok
My heart tik tok tik tok tik tok
He turns to Hyoyeon suddenly and catchs her staring at him so intensely, “what are you staring at ?”
Hyoyeon blushes to that so she pulls the blanket over his head again. She can hear Eunhyuk giggles and feels the bed dip beside her and the next thing she knew Eunhyuk’s eyes bores a hole to hers in such a close proximity. She can’t think properly if they are so close like this. There’s no sound inside or from outside the room, only the ticking of clock and their heartbeat the only thing they can hear. Eunhyuk leans forward, he intends to kiss those lips that he’s been longing for the whole day, but Hyoyeon cups his face and pushes him back. Eunhyuk feels confused while Hyoyeon just chuckles.
“Oppa you’re so funny!” she says as she taps his cheek.
He pouts, “what so funny?” Eunhyuk scolds.
“Just now, in Mubank… with your fake eyelashes. I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it!” Hyoyeon continues laughing her heart out
“You think that funny? It supposed to be cool and sexy, even for Donghee hyung, y’know!”
Hyoyeon suddenly shows some interest, “oh, right! Donghee oppa was really cool, his voice was similar to Rain, very handsome!”
“Yeah!” Eunhyuk agrees to what Hyoyeon’s says, but he thinks again about it, “hey… you think Donghee hyung handsome but not me, you’re really….”
Eunhyuk gives a scowl to Hyoyeon for the last time before heading towards her bathroom. Hyoyeon just giggles towards her boyfriend’s behavior.
Nobody knows
That you and I love like this everyday
There’s no room in my heart for anyone to come in beside you
Hyoyeon leans on her door frame and watches Eunhyuk washes his face, “oppa!” she calls, but Eunhyuk just continues to wash his face and then his arms.
She approaches him then lean on his shoulder, “hey! Don’t be angry with me!” when she doesn’t get the answer, she circles her arms over Eunhyuk’s body.
Eunhyuk sighs and pulls her into his arms, “sure…”
Hyoyeon smiles in relief when finally she can feel those arms again embracing her body, so warm she doesn’t want – ever – to trade it with something else. But suddenly she pouts, makes Eunhyuk frowning, “because it’s me who supossed to be angry with you!” she pushes him away from her warmth – eventhough it’s hard, but she’s always enjoying to tease Eunhyuk –.
“You haven’t congratulated me yet. We won K-Chart just now, where were you, oppa?”
“Eh? You were?” Eunhyuk looks as if in a deep thought. Actually, he has known it, but he just waits for the right time to congratulate her.
“Oppa!!” she yells, but Eunhyuk just laughs at her pout.
Eunhyuk pulls her again to his arms, tugs some strands of hair behind her left ear, “okay, so.. how am I supposed to congratulate you now?”
Hyoyeon just smiles the sweetest smile she has to Eunhyuk and then tangles her arms behind his neck. Eunhyuk stares at those lips that perform the smile he knows just for him, “just…” Hyoyeon starts and leans up closer to Eunhyuk’s face. She stops just inch away from touching his lips with her, waiting, and Eunhyuk doesn’t waste any time, he claims those lips for the first time since two weeks ago.
Tik, I knew from the beginning
Tik, there was something about you
Tik, in that gaze you stared at me with
Tok, for your exhilarating love
Tok, I’m always thirsty
Tok, I keep searching for you secretly
They start the make-out session as soon as Eunhyuk lift Hyoyeon to sit on the sink. The tortured two weeks without touching each other adds more passion to what they do right now. Of course they always keep their quality of love and don’t pay much attention to a thing called quantity, but that aching feeling they have for each other if they can’t even see the most precious person in their live for more than a week, who can bear it?
Everyday they keep searching for each other. Hyoyeon being far from the town because of SNSD’s vacation and Eunhyuk with his new album busy schedule. Hyoyeon always waiting for Eunhyuk phone calls or just message but it only happens once or twice a week, he’s really busy, she knows it. She’s not different either, when SNSD has to promote their album, the condition is always the same to their relationship. It has been more than a year since they realize that their feeling for each other not just as a friend or family, but there was something between them, it was love and it lasts, obviously for them. A year is a long journey for a couple to be in a relationship and for ordinary couple maybe they have done anything to enjoy that they’re in a relationship, but not them. They never go on a date to a place that every couple should visit, they rarely drive together, because in a fact people like them don’t deserve something called relationship, not when they are walking in the same dream.
Today is their time. Eunhyuk can’t hold it inside anymore, he needs his Hyo. She just came back 3 days ago and as she calls that she will be in her parents’ house on Thursday night and he has no schedule on Friday then that is it. Chance like this rarely comes to them. So, Eunhyuk doesn’t want to waste that chance, he lift Hyoyeon from the sink and carry her to her bed.
You’re my only star
No one knows about anything, don’t worry
Look at my eyes, I’ll protect you
I’m by your sides just like this
It’s our secret, it’s our secret, it’s our secret
It’s taking control of me
They lay on Hyoyeon’s queen size bed with Eunhyuk atop her. His black wife beater and her orange tight betty boops’ shirt has thrown somewhere on the floor. Eunhyuk kisses her lips gently before licks her lower lip and Hyoyeon doesn’t think twice to open her mouth so Eunhyuk can slide his tounge inside. That action causes her to moan into his mouth and suddenly Eunhyuk has the urge to soon divest himself from his own jeans but he can endure with it just for now and let himself to taste the sweetness inside Hyoyeon’s mouth that he’s been longing so much.
They pull away because of lack of air lunges at them. Taking a short breath, Eunhyuk soon nuzzles his face on Hyoyeon’s neck and then starts nipping, licking, and biting the sensitive area of her that he’s remembered all the time. He feels Hyoyeon’s hand rub gently on his back and side, it sends a jolt to his spine. He pulls away from her neck to stare at her eyes. He takes his time to enjoy the sight of his lovely girlfriend before draws her up and reachs behind her back to unclasp her bra. Eunhyuk kisses a trail on her shoulders as he eases each strap of her bra until they are both topless.
He lays Hyoyeon on the bed again and starts to divest her from her short pants and panty at the same time. Hyoyeon takes a deep breath when Eunhyuk opens her legs by her thighs wide enough so he can fit in between and she moans at the first touch of Eunhyuk’s tounge gives to her clit. Wants to hear more of that delicious moan from his girlfriend, Eunhyuk starts to lick faster on her clit down to her opening, and Hyoyeon does it, she even groans loud in pleasure when Eunhyuk slides his tounge inside her now wet pussy.
“Ohh.. H-Hyuk.. aah!”
He keeps licking and sucking her pussy until she feels that feeling on her stomach and she comes without warning, but Eunhyuk doesn’t complain, he even starts licking again on her now over sensitive area, lapping her juices in the same time with his sucking, “oppa… nnhh..! oh,m-my…”
Hyoyeon reaches for his hand and gives it a tug. Eunhyuk understands what she means and pulls himself up, his lips find hers again. He feels her hand unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning and unzips his jeans. It comes off on the next second simultaneously with his boxer. Eunhyuk has to stop the kiss when Hyoyeon starts to stroke his naked erection and moan right into her ears. Hearing that Hyoyeon smiles to herself completely notice that he is enjoying her job and begins to pump his member with rhytm.
They change position with Hyoyeon hovering above her boyfriend, “you like it oppa..?” she wishpers to him in an erotic voice that only Eunhyuk knows it. “Very. It always f-feels so g-good, Hyo…”
She trails sweet kisses on his chest down to his abdomen as she gives his length that hand job, she stops at his belly to gives it a lick and continues until her tounge reaches his length. She doesn’t notice that Eunhyuk sees every move she makes. It really a perfect sensual sight when Eunhyuk sees his girlfriend mouth takes his whole body and especially when she takes his member into her warm mouth, he really can’t ever take his eyes from this special moment.
“Oh, God..” he moans loudly when he feels her tounge glides on his cock as she bobs her head. Eunhyuk hand reaches to her and grabs her buttock then gives it a squeeze. He earns a mewl in the deep of her throat that makes his hips bucks up because of the vibrations it made. But if she keeps doing that, he will have come right then and there and he doesn’t want that to happen.
Eunhyuk pulls her head by the hair from his throbbing cock and both of them whimper at the lost of contact. He sits up before leans on the headboard, bringing her along until she straddles his lap. The boy leans his head up to meet hers in a forceful kiss as he tangles his hand on her long locks. Hyoyeon always feels the electricity jolts to her body everytime he carreses the backside of her head, so she responses to it by grinds their arousal together. Eunhyuk arches his head when he feels those delicious hips do a simple but sinful grind on his crotch.
“Ready, baby?” Hyoyeon asks in a seductive tone before keeps a distance between them. She immediately lifts herself after Eunhyuk’s smirk encouragingly and then impaling herself on Eunhyuk’s hard member, “aahhh.. yes!” she groans when the thick organ fills her up.
Eunhyuk starts to move his hips in a circle slow movement to make Hyoyeon starts moving, fucking herself on his aching cock, but much to his pleasure, Hyoyeon shows him a one man show instead. She’s starting up with flicking her hair behind so he can see her front clearly and then she licks her thumb in a most sensual way before travels it down the crevice of her body. Eunhyuk watches every move she makes especially when she starts to caress her own body with both hands, from the slender neck down to her breasts where she cups her hands on. Hyoyeon hives it a squeeze here and there, mewling when she pinches both of the nipples at the same time, “Hyuk…” her sensual voice that calling him tears him away from his daze.
So he pulls Hyoyeon up to him and says in a demanding tone, “move, now!” Hyoyeon complies and she starts bouncing up and down above him with his hands steadying the movements of her hips. She bounces faster when she feels the tip of Eunhyuk’s cock brushes her spot and suddenly she has the urge to reach her orgasm quickly.
“Ooh.. p-please Hyuk!” she begs when she notices that her own movements don’t enough to bring her into her orgasm quicker. He lays her on the bed again and brings one of her leg up on his shoulder before pounding into her tight pussy.
“There, baby… uuhn.. huh… harder, please!” and Eunhyuk does it, he thrusts into her in an alarming pace, damn with rhythm, what they need is a good release right now.
Is it because of the rare of sex or Hyoyeon is indeed good or he really loves her that makes every love making they have always wonderful? Eunhyuk doesn’t notice that at all. He just wanted this kind of time be last forever and nothing can change it from them.
Suddenly Hyoyeon’s screams out loud of her lungs. It’s obvious that she has reached her amazing orgasm. “Hyo… I’m close!” he breathes into her mouth. Hyoyeon pushes him from her and take Eunhyuk’s member into her mouth and sucks hard as he fucks her mouth lightly. Eunhyuk comes with a loud grunt and spills his seed in Hyoyeon’s mouth and a little on her perfect luscious lips.
Escape everyone’s eyes, spill the burden of our relationship onto me
In my dreams, I hold onto your hand proudly like everyone else and walk
In my busy days, my work, dreams, and everything else are forgotten
By our love going tik tok like the hand on a clock that doesn’t know how to stop
He lays Hyoyeon and himself on the bed with exhaustion and both of them stare at the ceiling until they catch up their breathe again. Hyoyeon pulls up the blanket to cover themselves and then Eunhyuk kissed her full on the lips as he wipe the remaining cum on her face. They end up making out that will guide them into arousal again if drowsiness doesn’t call them up.
“Love you…” Eunhyuk says as he look into her eyes before it completely close.
Hyoyeon smiles wide, she sighs in relief because eventhough he doesn’t say them every day, he says them sincerely with heart once he says it. Eventhough they can only meet once a week even just once in a month, but once they meet they will give a very best quality into it and hope with that way, the love will last longer than what they wish will be forever.
“Love you too…” she replies with a caress to his cheek. And they smiles wider before falling into a deep slumber in each other arms.
That I love you secretly
That you’re really my girl
Drive me so crazy everyday
I just want you, you this way
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Hyoyeon
Rating: NC17
Length: 1/1
Genre: Song Fic
Summary: Their relationship comes when a boy meets a girl, but how they walk on it isn't what the ordinary people called a relationship.
Nobody knows
How I want you like this everyday
Everytime I embrace you behind the stage
My heart burst
Their relationship isn’t inspired by how they are being the best dancers in the two groups or because the company says that SNSD was the girl version of Super Junior. Even less they also don’t reflect on what Donghae and Jessica did in the past before the two of them finally debuted. But their relationship starts just as the usual, love comes when a boy meets a girl. However, how they walk on it isn’t what the ordinary people called a relationship.
We greet each other awkwardly in front of people
But when we turn away, I’m the one who knows you best
Hyoyeon sits on the couch behind their make-up desk and is watching the TV above which is broadcasting Rain’s song ‘Love Song’ by Super Junior, 2AM, and 2PM. She’s really absorbed by the performance, she doesn’t notice everyone is busy for their upcoming performance right next after this one. She smiles genuinely when Eunhyuk’s part comes and agapes when he sings very good to it. But before it ends, she’s being dragged by Tiffany to prepare their performance, she sighs.
I can hear more loudly in my ear
What you say with that gaze, that’s right
Your desire for me, your thirst
We go crazy for each other like this
“Oppa, you’re so handsome!!”
She hears the other SNSD members yell when Shindong, Eunhyuk, Jokwon, Chansung and Nichkun come to the backstage. She spots him, so funny with his fake eyelashes but extremely hot with his black wife-beater covering his sculpted torso, highfive-ing with Sunny – who stands beside her – and then turns to her. He does that also to her before bowing comfortably but obliviously awkward. When they walk to a different way, they glance over and found each other’s eyes. In 3 seconds it meets but it actually says thousand things. They smile and just the two of them knows what the smiles mean.
That I love you secretly
That you’re really my girl
Drive me so crazy everyday
I just want you, you this way
It’s been midnight when Eunhyuk rings the bell to the red painted house and 1 minute later an old man opens it for him. The old man smiles even if it is visible that he’s just awakened from sleep. Eunhyuk gives him an apologetic smile but the old man brushes it off. The old man walks back to the kitchen after locks the door and leaves Eunhyuk under the stairs. He climbs it soon when he realizes that he’s in the dark living room alone.
Eunhyuk opens one door to his left that he’s known by the heart even if it’s dark all over the house. He finds that the light come only from the bedside table but it also switch on to off and on again and like that continously by a hand that creep from under the blanket. Eunhyuk chuckles to that before sits on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes and jacket.
“It will be perishable, you know, eventhough it’s expensive…” he says and hears a sigh from under the blanket as a response.
The girl pulls off the blanket from her upper body and stares at Eunhyuk’s back. He still wears that wife-beater he wore when performing Love Song. She looks at his elegance neck to his shoulder blades down to his toned arms. How lucky she is to have this handsome man that – she knows – loved by millions people, but that is not the important thing. What people see is just the outside of him, she… knows him from the deep inside of him. How he always treats her like a woman should be, he always been a best boyfriend she ever had. Nobody knows though.
Come here, tik tok tik tok tik tok
When I see you, tik tok tik tok tik tok
All day tik tok tik tok tik tok
My heart tik tok tik tok tik tok
He turns to Hyoyeon suddenly and catchs her staring at him so intensely, “what are you staring at ?”
Hyoyeon blushes to that so she pulls the blanket over his head again. She can hear Eunhyuk giggles and feels the bed dip beside her and the next thing she knew Eunhyuk’s eyes bores a hole to hers in such a close proximity. She can’t think properly if they are so close like this. There’s no sound inside or from outside the room, only the ticking of clock and their heartbeat the only thing they can hear. Eunhyuk leans forward, he intends to kiss those lips that he’s been longing for the whole day, but Hyoyeon cups his face and pushes him back. Eunhyuk feels confused while Hyoyeon just chuckles.
“Oppa you’re so funny!” she says as she taps his cheek.
He pouts, “what so funny?” Eunhyuk scolds.
“Just now, in Mubank… with your fake eyelashes. I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it!” Hyoyeon continues laughing her heart out
“You think that funny? It supposed to be cool and sexy, even for Donghee hyung, y’know!”
Hyoyeon suddenly shows some interest, “oh, right! Donghee oppa was really cool, his voice was similar to Rain, very handsome!”
“Yeah!” Eunhyuk agrees to what Hyoyeon’s says, but he thinks again about it, “hey… you think Donghee hyung handsome but not me, you’re really….”
Eunhyuk gives a scowl to Hyoyeon for the last time before heading towards her bathroom. Hyoyeon just giggles towards her boyfriend’s behavior.
Nobody knows
That you and I love like this everyday
There’s no room in my heart for anyone to come in beside you
Hyoyeon leans on her door frame and watches Eunhyuk washes his face, “oppa!” she calls, but Eunhyuk just continues to wash his face and then his arms.
She approaches him then lean on his shoulder, “hey! Don’t be angry with me!” when she doesn’t get the answer, she circles her arms over Eunhyuk’s body.
Eunhyuk sighs and pulls her into his arms, “sure…”
Hyoyeon smiles in relief when finally she can feel those arms again embracing her body, so warm she doesn’t want – ever – to trade it with something else. But suddenly she pouts, makes Eunhyuk frowning, “because it’s me who supossed to be angry with you!” she pushes him away from her warmth – eventhough it’s hard, but she’s always enjoying to tease Eunhyuk –.
“You haven’t congratulated me yet. We won K-Chart just now, where were you, oppa?”
“Eh? You were?” Eunhyuk looks as if in a deep thought. Actually, he has known it, but he just waits for the right time to congratulate her.
“Oppa!!” she yells, but Eunhyuk just laughs at her pout.
Eunhyuk pulls her again to his arms, tugs some strands of hair behind her left ear, “okay, so.. how am I supposed to congratulate you now?”
Hyoyeon just smiles the sweetest smile she has to Eunhyuk and then tangles her arms behind his neck. Eunhyuk stares at those lips that perform the smile he knows just for him, “just…” Hyoyeon starts and leans up closer to Eunhyuk’s face. She stops just inch away from touching his lips with her, waiting, and Eunhyuk doesn’t waste any time, he claims those lips for the first time since two weeks ago.
Tik, I knew from the beginning
Tik, there was something about you
Tik, in that gaze you stared at me with
Tok, for your exhilarating love
Tok, I’m always thirsty
Tok, I keep searching for you secretly
They start the make-out session as soon as Eunhyuk lift Hyoyeon to sit on the sink. The tortured two weeks without touching each other adds more passion to what they do right now. Of course they always keep their quality of love and don’t pay much attention to a thing called quantity, but that aching feeling they have for each other if they can’t even see the most precious person in their live for more than a week, who can bear it?
Everyday they keep searching for each other. Hyoyeon being far from the town because of SNSD’s vacation and Eunhyuk with his new album busy schedule. Hyoyeon always waiting for Eunhyuk phone calls or just message but it only happens once or twice a week, he’s really busy, she knows it. She’s not different either, when SNSD has to promote their album, the condition is always the same to their relationship. It has been more than a year since they realize that their feeling for each other not just as a friend or family, but there was something between them, it was love and it lasts, obviously for them. A year is a long journey for a couple to be in a relationship and for ordinary couple maybe they have done anything to enjoy that they’re in a relationship, but not them. They never go on a date to a place that every couple should visit, they rarely drive together, because in a fact people like them don’t deserve something called relationship, not when they are walking in the same dream.
Today is their time. Eunhyuk can’t hold it inside anymore, he needs his Hyo. She just came back 3 days ago and as she calls that she will be in her parents’ house on Thursday night and he has no schedule on Friday then that is it. Chance like this rarely comes to them. So, Eunhyuk doesn’t want to waste that chance, he lift Hyoyeon from the sink and carry her to her bed.
You’re my only star
No one knows about anything, don’t worry
Look at my eyes, I’ll protect you
I’m by your sides just like this
It’s our secret, it’s our secret, it’s our secret
It’s taking control of me
They lay on Hyoyeon’s queen size bed with Eunhyuk atop her. His black wife beater and her orange tight betty boops’ shirt has thrown somewhere on the floor. Eunhyuk kisses her lips gently before licks her lower lip and Hyoyeon doesn’t think twice to open her mouth so Eunhyuk can slide his tounge inside. That action causes her to moan into his mouth and suddenly Eunhyuk has the urge to soon divest himself from his own jeans but he can endure with it just for now and let himself to taste the sweetness inside Hyoyeon’s mouth that he’s been longing so much.
They pull away because of lack of air lunges at them. Taking a short breath, Eunhyuk soon nuzzles his face on Hyoyeon’s neck and then starts nipping, licking, and biting the sensitive area of her that he’s remembered all the time. He feels Hyoyeon’s hand rub gently on his back and side, it sends a jolt to his spine. He pulls away from her neck to stare at her eyes. He takes his time to enjoy the sight of his lovely girlfriend before draws her up and reachs behind her back to unclasp her bra. Eunhyuk kisses a trail on her shoulders as he eases each strap of her bra until they are both topless.
He lays Hyoyeon on the bed again and starts to divest her from her short pants and panty at the same time. Hyoyeon takes a deep breath when Eunhyuk opens her legs by her thighs wide enough so he can fit in between and she moans at the first touch of Eunhyuk’s tounge gives to her clit. Wants to hear more of that delicious moan from his girlfriend, Eunhyuk starts to lick faster on her clit down to her opening, and Hyoyeon does it, she even groans loud in pleasure when Eunhyuk slides his tounge inside her now wet pussy.
“Ohh.. H-Hyuk.. aah!”
He keeps licking and sucking her pussy until she feels that feeling on her stomach and she comes without warning, but Eunhyuk doesn’t complain, he even starts licking again on her now over sensitive area, lapping her juices in the same time with his sucking, “oppa… nnhh..! oh,m-my…”
Hyoyeon reaches for his hand and gives it a tug. Eunhyuk understands what she means and pulls himself up, his lips find hers again. He feels her hand unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning and unzips his jeans. It comes off on the next second simultaneously with his boxer. Eunhyuk has to stop the kiss when Hyoyeon starts to stroke his naked erection and moan right into her ears. Hearing that Hyoyeon smiles to herself completely notice that he is enjoying her job and begins to pump his member with rhytm.
They change position with Hyoyeon hovering above her boyfriend, “you like it oppa..?” she wishpers to him in an erotic voice that only Eunhyuk knows it. “Very. It always f-feels so g-good, Hyo…”
She trails sweet kisses on his chest down to his abdomen as she gives his length that hand job, she stops at his belly to gives it a lick and continues until her tounge reaches his length. She doesn’t notice that Eunhyuk sees every move she makes. It really a perfect sensual sight when Eunhyuk sees his girlfriend mouth takes his whole body and especially when she takes his member into her warm mouth, he really can’t ever take his eyes from this special moment.
“Oh, God..” he moans loudly when he feels her tounge glides on his cock as she bobs her head. Eunhyuk hand reaches to her and grabs her buttock then gives it a squeeze. He earns a mewl in the deep of her throat that makes his hips bucks up because of the vibrations it made. But if she keeps doing that, he will have come right then and there and he doesn’t want that to happen.
Eunhyuk pulls her head by the hair from his throbbing cock and both of them whimper at the lost of contact. He sits up before leans on the headboard, bringing her along until she straddles his lap. The boy leans his head up to meet hers in a forceful kiss as he tangles his hand on her long locks. Hyoyeon always feels the electricity jolts to her body everytime he carreses the backside of her head, so she responses to it by grinds their arousal together. Eunhyuk arches his head when he feels those delicious hips do a simple but sinful grind on his crotch.
“Ready, baby?” Hyoyeon asks in a seductive tone before keeps a distance between them. She immediately lifts herself after Eunhyuk’s smirk encouragingly and then impaling herself on Eunhyuk’s hard member, “aahhh.. yes!” she groans when the thick organ fills her up.
Eunhyuk starts to move his hips in a circle slow movement to make Hyoyeon starts moving, fucking herself on his aching cock, but much to his pleasure, Hyoyeon shows him a one man show instead. She’s starting up with flicking her hair behind so he can see her front clearly and then she licks her thumb in a most sensual way before travels it down the crevice of her body. Eunhyuk watches every move she makes especially when she starts to caress her own body with both hands, from the slender neck down to her breasts where she cups her hands on. Hyoyeon hives it a squeeze here and there, mewling when she pinches both of the nipples at the same time, “Hyuk…” her sensual voice that calling him tears him away from his daze.
So he pulls Hyoyeon up to him and says in a demanding tone, “move, now!” Hyoyeon complies and she starts bouncing up and down above him with his hands steadying the movements of her hips. She bounces faster when she feels the tip of Eunhyuk’s cock brushes her spot and suddenly she has the urge to reach her orgasm quickly.
“Ooh.. p-please Hyuk!” she begs when she notices that her own movements don’t enough to bring her into her orgasm quicker. He lays her on the bed again and brings one of her leg up on his shoulder before pounding into her tight pussy.
“There, baby… uuhn.. huh… harder, please!” and Eunhyuk does it, he thrusts into her in an alarming pace, damn with rhythm, what they need is a good release right now.
Is it because of the rare of sex or Hyoyeon is indeed good or he really loves her that makes every love making they have always wonderful? Eunhyuk doesn’t notice that at all. He just wanted this kind of time be last forever and nothing can change it from them.
Suddenly Hyoyeon’s screams out loud of her lungs. It’s obvious that she has reached her amazing orgasm. “Hyo… I’m close!” he breathes into her mouth. Hyoyeon pushes him from her and take Eunhyuk’s member into her mouth and sucks hard as he fucks her mouth lightly. Eunhyuk comes with a loud grunt and spills his seed in Hyoyeon’s mouth and a little on her perfect luscious lips.
Escape everyone’s eyes, spill the burden of our relationship onto me
In my dreams, I hold onto your hand proudly like everyone else and walk
In my busy days, my work, dreams, and everything else are forgotten
By our love going tik tok like the hand on a clock that doesn’t know how to stop
He lays Hyoyeon and himself on the bed with exhaustion and both of them stare at the ceiling until they catch up their breathe again. Hyoyeon pulls up the blanket to cover themselves and then Eunhyuk kissed her full on the lips as he wipe the remaining cum on her face. They end up making out that will guide them into arousal again if drowsiness doesn’t call them up.
“Love you…” Eunhyuk says as he look into her eyes before it completely close.
Hyoyeon smiles wide, she sighs in relief because eventhough he doesn’t say them every day, he says them sincerely with heart once he says it. Eventhough they can only meet once a week even just once in a month, but once they meet they will give a very best quality into it and hope with that way, the love will last longer than what they wish will be forever.
“Love you too…” she replies with a caress to his cheek. And they smiles wider before falling into a deep slumber in each other arms.
That I love you secretly
That you’re really my girl
Drive me so crazy everyday
I just want you, you this way
[CFXX] The Next Cup Of Coffee
Proudly Present:

Character Introduction:
- Lee Hyukjae a.k.a Eunhyuk: 25 years old man, Korean, had been living in New York for 3 years, work as an assistant photographer.
- Lee Donghae: 25 years old young enterpreneur, inherit a chained company, have a wife for 2 years.
- Daniel Armand Lee a.k.a Tablo: 27 years old man, Korean but was born in America, living his life as a writer and had few part time jobs.
- Kim Hyoyeon a.k.a Hyo: 23 years old, Korean, a secretary in where Eunhyuk work for, had been living in New York for 8 years already.
- Lim Yoona: 23 years old, Donghae’s wife, daughter of the president of the biggest mall in Korea.
- Lee Sungmin: Eunhyuk’s friend from high school, went to New York to live with his lover that happened to have a job in New York.
- Jo Kyuhyun: Lee Sungmin’s lover, has a pasta shop and a few branch of it.
- Park Jungsu a.k.a Eeteuk: Donghae’s oldest cousin from his mom, working as a bartender, living a free life.
- Kim Youngwoon a.k.a Kangin: Eeteuk’s lover, working an average office job.
- Summary:
The first cup of coffee never be able to make the memories go away, so he drinks the next cup of coffee to keep him awake from those dream he never wanted to have.
Proudly Present:

Character Introduction:
- Lee Hyukjae a.k.a Eunhyuk: 25 years old man, Korean, had been living in New York for 3 years, work as an assistant photographer.
- Lee Donghae: 25 years old young enterpreneur, inherit a chained company, have a wife for 2 years.
- Daniel Armand Lee a.k.a Tablo: 27 years old man, Korean but was born in America, living his life as a writer and had few part time jobs.
- Kim Hyoyeon a.k.a Hyo: 23 years old, Korean, a secretary in where Eunhyuk work for, had been living in New York for 8 years already.
- Lim Yoona: 23 years old, Donghae’s wife, daughter of the president of the biggest mall in Korea.
- Lee Sungmin: Eunhyuk’s friend from high school, went to New York to live with his lover that happened to have a job in New York.
- Jo Kyuhyun: Lee Sungmin’s lover, has a pasta shop and a few branch of it.
- Park Jungsu a.k.a Eeteuk: Donghae’s oldest cousin from his mom, working as a bartender, living a free life.
- Kim Youngwoon a.k.a Kangin: Eeteuk’s lover, working an average office job.
- Summary:
The first cup of coffee never be able to make the memories go away, so he drinks the next cup of coffee to keep him awake from those dream he never wanted to have.
[Cerpen] Walau Luka Itu Benar-Benar Datang
Aku suka wajahmu yang bingung…
“aku suka wajahmu yang bingung,” sudah pernah kubilang itu padamu. Dengan wajah manis dan senyum mengembang di bibirku.
“jahat..” itu juga yang selalu kau bilang, dengan bibir manyun yang dilanjutkan oleh senyum sumringah karena ternyata kau tahu bahwa aku hanya bermain-main saja denganmu.
Lalu kita berdua tertawa di koridor sekolah yang mulai sepi karena matahari hampir terbenam. Aku selalu bertanya, mengapa tawamu itu selalu tampak bahagia, apa yang ada dalam hatimu ketika kau tertawa ? mengapa kau selalu tampak lebih bahagia daripadaku ?
“Cita.. kamu kenapa..??” tanyamu.
Aku selalu terkejut bila ditanya seperti itu. Jangan kau mulai bertanya kepadaku, karena apa kau tahu, aku sedang memikirkanmu, “ya.. aku, gak apa-apa.. hmmm, bisakah kita pulang naik taksi saja, agar tak terlalu malam..”
Engkau mengangguk cepat dan selalu menampakkan senyuman termanismu padaku. Senyuman manis itu, bila kau gambar di wajahku, akan menjadi pahit, bukan ?
Mengapakah diriku selalu terluka
Mengapa pula luka itu selalu datang padaku
Mengapa kau tak pernah terluka
Akankah ada sedikit luka datang padamu..
Andai luka itu benar-benar datang padamu
Mungkin tetap aku yang akan lebih terluka..
Sejauh mana sebenarnya aku sudah mengenalmu, 2 tahun bukan waktu yang lama tapi juga bukan waktu yang sebentar. Dari awal aku mengenalmu, aku sudah melihat kegembiraan yang selalu kau bawa kepada setiap orang. Aku jadi ingin selalu menjadi orang yang kau bawakan kegembiraan itu. Semenjak itu hingga sekarang, kau masih saja tampak gembira dan aku jadi iri akan hal itu. Apalagi ketika dia hadir diantara kita.
“Cita..!!” dengan suaranya yang begitu khas, itu pertama kali dia memanggil namaku.
“ada apa..?”
“ehm.. kamu teman sekelasnya Nisa..??” mendengar namamu saat itu, entah mengapa hatiku selalu bangga, bangga bisa menjadi temanmu, yang dekat.
“iya..” jawabku dengan senyum terkembang.
“oh.. boleh minta nomor kamu..? oh ya, perkenalkan dulu, nama saya Putra..!” dia mengulurkan tangannya yang semu kecoklatan. Matanya bersinar dari balik kacamatanya ketika dia menyebutkan namanya, Putra.
Dia, Putra, lelaki yang menumbuhkan kebencian bahkan pada sahabatku sendiri. Jahat, ya..!!? siapa yang jahat sebenarnya, dia atau kamu, atau malah jadi aku yang jahat. Atau diantara kita terselip satu kejahatan yang awalnya kita tak tahu bentuknya seperti apa.
Dia, Putra, lelaki yang mencintaimu, lelaki yang kucintai, dalang dari semua kejahatan ini. Cinta itu, yang dia tumbuhkan padamu, dia layukan padaku.
Aku masih ingat ketika kau tiba-tiba datang padaku dengan wajah begitu berseri-seri, berlari tergesa, dan setelah sampai padaku, kau malah berputar-putar merasakan angin di sekitarmu. Beberapa menit aku memperhatikanmu, dengan raut muka yang mencerminkan ikut bahagia, tapi juga bingung, ada apa denganmu?
“Cita.. kamu tahu, aku sedang bahagia..!!”
“aku tahu, sejak kapan kau bersedih di depanku..?”
“tak pernah.. tahu kenapa aku bahagia..?”
“setiap hari kau bahagia..!”
“tapi ini beda, ini lebih bahagia dari hujan emas..”
“Cita.. cinta itu tidak berlebihan..”
“mulai hari ini aku pacarnya Putra..!”
Dengan tegas, tawa bahagia, hati riang, kau katakan semua itu di depanku. Aku sudah tahu hari itu akan datang, tapi aku masih saja menyimpan semua ini di dalam hatiku. Membuat diriku sendiri menderita demi kebahagianmu.
Entah kenapa aku tak peduli dengan perasaanku sendiri. Entah apa yang membuatku selalu ingin menjaga perhiasan berhargamu, kebahagiaanmu. Aku selalu berpikir, ada apa dengan diriku, sampai aku begitu mengharapkan sebuah kebahagiaan yang datang dari dirimu.
Kau bukanlah seorang yang kucintai, kau bukan lelaki yang harusnya kucintai. Kita ini sama perempuan, maka dari itu kita menjadi sahabat. Sahabat macam apakah diriku ini, yang membenci sahabatnya sendiri hanya karena sebuah perasaan hina yang kubuat sempurna. Munafik!
Lalu aku mencoba untuk menjauh darimu, agar kata-katamu tak lagi sampai kehati, tapi kau terus mencoba meraihku kembali.
“Cita.. bicaralah..!” katamu dengan wajah cemasmu yang begitu menusukku. Aku tak mau dirimu begitu cemas padaku yang sebenarnya tak perlu untuk kau khawatirkan.
“Nisa.. biarkan aku sendiri..”
“sebenarnya ada apa denganmu..?”
Saat itu kau pergi menuruti kata-kataku untuk sendiri.
Lalu aku melihatmu dari jauh, dengan wajah sedihmu. Ketika itu, aku dapati diriku tak bisa lagi merasakan jejakku. Aku merasa mati melihatmu bersedih. Wajah itu, wajah yang dipenuhi kegembiraan, tiba-tiba hilang, dan aku tahu sumbernya adalah aku. Lalu akankah ku tega untuk terus membuatmu bersedih seperti itu, aku tak bisa, dan akhirnya daripada aku terluka karena melihatmu terluka, lebih baik aku terluka karena melihatmu bahagia.
“Nisa.. tersenyumlah,” pintaku.
Lalu kau tersenyum. Hatiku yang tersayat, perlahan terobati.
“maafkan aku, Nisa..!”
“tak apa, kau tahu Cita, awalnya aku ingin menangis ketika kau bilang kau ingin sendiri dan tak mau kutemani, tapi aku selalu ingat kata-katamu, ‘menangis tak akan pernah membawa kebahagiaan, dan kebahagiaan adalah satu-satunya yang kuinginkan’, dan aku tak menangis, karena aku selalu ingin kau bahagia..” setelah kau berkata seperti itu, kau memelukku. Jadi aku yang ingin menangis. Andai kau tahu saat itu juga, Nisa, kau telah membawa seluruh kebahagiaanku bersamamu. Karena itu, aku harus selalu bersamamu, agar kau tak jauh-jauh membawanya pergi. Walau tak langsung, aku masih bisa merasakannya.
Suatu hari, kau datang padaku dengan wajah muram. Tiba-tiba menangis di pangkuanku, tangisan pertama yang kau tumpahkan padaku. Yang kau sebut saat itu, hanya Putra.. Putra.. dan Putra..
“Cita.. Putra jahat..!!”
Mendengar nama itu kau sebut dan kata sifat di belakangnya. Sebelah hatiku tertawa, sebelah lagi marah. Benarkah masih ada cinta itu untuknya. Kau tak tahu aku mencintai Putra, kau tak tahu bagaimana perasaanku ketika kau bilang ‘Putra jahat!’ saat itu aku ingin membunuh seseorang, tapi aku tak tahu, haruskah dirimu yang ku bunuh, atau dia.
Besoknya, ku beranikan diri untuk menemui Putra, tak disangka, dia juga ingin bertemu denganku.
“Putra..!!” aku lebih dulu memanggil namanya, dengan segenap keberanian yang ada untuk menahan seluruh rasa cintaku padanya.
“eh.. Cita, aku baru mau menemui kamu..!”
Aku terkaget mendengarnya, semua hal yang ingin kukatakan padanya menjadi buyar, hanya karena beberapa kata keluar dari mulutnya, ya Tuhan, ternyata cinta itu masih ada. Beribu kali kukatakan pada diriku sendiri, kalau cinta itu bukan cinta yang sebenarnya, aku tak mungkin mencintai cinta sahabatku sendiri.
“aku mau minta maaf sama Nisa, aku ingin kamu mempertemukan aku dengannya, tolonglah.. dia tak mau menjawab telfonku, tak mau membaca suratku..” lanjutnya.
Dan aku mengangguk!! Apa itu adalah hal terbodoh yang kulakukan, aku menemui Putra untuk mengatakan padanya bahwa dia sudah menyakitimu, lalu habis-habisan memarahinya. Dan ternyata aku tak bisa. Aku ingin sekali menertawakan diriku sendiri saat itu. Cinta itu membuatku gila. Membuatku selalu menyakiti diriku sendiri untuk kebahagiaanmu. Mungkin untuk kebahagiaannya juga.
Saat aku mengatakan bahwa Putra ingin bertemu denganmu, kau tampakkan wajah marahmu. Kau tak pernah marah, apalagi padaku.
“Cita, kenapa kamu mau mempertemukanku dengannya, sebenarnya kau ada di pihak siapa..??” aku terkejut kau bertanya seperti itu. Aku di pihak siapa..? aku pun tak begitu tahu, aku terlalu bingung untuk memikirkannya.
“tentu saja aku berada di pihakmu..” kataku, tak tahu lagi apa yang harus kukatakan sebenarnya.
“Cita, apa kau tak mengerti seberapa besar kesalahannya padaku..?”
“kau bilang dia sudah memarahimu di depan umum, itu mungkin bisa diperbaiki, kan, Nisa..!” mulai lagi aku membela Putra. Tuhan, cinta ini membunuhku.
“bukan hanya itu…!”
“lalu apa…?”
“aku tak bisa bilang..!”
“Cita..!!” kau tampak lelah hanya untuk memberitahukan sesuatu padaku, “.. Cita, pokoknya kamu jauhi Putra, Putra itu jahat..”
Lalu kau berlalu begitu saja dari hadapanku.
Putra tersenyum padaku, saat aku menghampirinya yang sedang berteduh dari hujan di depan sebuah kios. Dia tampak menggigil kedinginan karena hujan kali ini hampir menyerupai hujan es.
“terima kasih.. maaf, aku malah menghubungimu, karena kalau tak salah, rumahmu di dekat sini kan.?” kau bilang dengan suara khasmu.
“tak masalah, tapi darimana kau tahu rumahku..”
“hmm.. dari Nisa..”
Kami berjalan di bawah hujan menuju rumahku. Sesampainya disana, aku memberikannya handuk untuk mengeringkan rambutnya yang basah. Aku memberinya secangkir teh hangat, lalu kita berbicara di ruang makan.
“Putra.. apa kau masih ingin Nisa kembali padamu..?” tanyaku saat itu, dengan segala kelemahan yang ku punyai.
“aku sangat ingin Nisa kembali padaku, tapi mau bagaimana lagi, mendengarkanmu pun dia sudah tak mau kan..?!”
“aku sangat mencintai Nisa..” Putra mengatakan hal itu, dengan kesedihan menghiasi wajahnya.
Aku ingin membuat Putra bahagia, di sisi lain, aku ingin membuatmu bahagia. Membuat Putra bahagia adalah mengembalikanmu padanya. Membuatmu bahagia adalah dengan meninggalkan semua hal tentang Putra.
Ada sekejap pikiran melintas di kepalaku. Bukankah ini baik untukku, ketika kau membenci Putra, dan kini Putra lebih dekat padaku. Bukankah ada begitu banyak peluang untukku. Hanya dengan beberapa usaha untuk membuat kau hilang dari pikiran Putra, mungkin aku bisa menjadi pengganti dirimu di hati Putra.
Kau pernah bilang padaku untuk menjauh dari Putra. Itu berarti kau tidak suka bila aku mencintainya. Tapi aku tak bisa, aku masih mencintainya, aku masih mengharapkan sesuatu dari dirinya.
Akh.. kau, begitu banyak kebencian yang kini merasuki diriku. Aku jadi benci dirimu yang seperti tak ingin melihatku bahagia.
“Nisa… apa kau masih tak mau bertemu dengan Putra..?” tanyaku sedikit memaksa.
Kau mendesah, “Cita, sudah berapa kali aku bilang, aku tak ingin lagi bertemu dengannya, aku puas dengan keputusanku, aku sudah tak mencintainya lagi, aku…”
“…dia masih mencintaimu, Nisa..”
“aku tak bisa..!”
“aku tak bisa bilang…”
Aku lelah mengatakan ini semua padamu sebenarnya.
“kalau begitu, bolehkah aku bersamanya ? bolehkah aku mencintainya ?”
Akhirnya kalimat itu yang ku ucapkan. Aku sudah terlalu lelah menahan semua luka ini. Aku berhak pula mendapatkan kebahagiaanku.
“apa..?? Cita, sudah kubilang padamu untuk menjauh darinya kan..?” kau tampak begitu terkejut dan tak terima dengan apa yang telah ku ucapkan padamu.
“kau tahu, aku sudah bosan untuk selalu membuatmu bahagia, aku sudah bosan menanggung seluruh lukaku ini sendirian, aku terluka saat kau bersama Putra, karena aku mencintainya..” aku menangis saat itu, walau aku sudah mengatakan padamu mengapa aku terluka, luka itu bukannya terobati, malah makin menganga. Apalagi melihat kau menangis lebih histeris.
“Cita..!!! mengapa kau baru mengatakan ini sekarang, kalau aku tahu, aku tak akan pernah bersama dia,” ketika kau menangis, aku tak tahu apa yang menghunusku saat itu, pedang? Pisau? Belati? Mengapa aku jadi makin terluka setelah mengatakan semua lukaku yang kau sebabkan. Saat itu juga aku ingin mengatakan, ‘jangan menangis, Nisa.’ Kau hanya akan lebih membuatku terluka dengan tangisanmu.
“walaupun saat itu kau tahu apa yang kurasakan, apakah kau akan mengelak cintamu padanya..?”
“apapun akan kulakukan untukmu. Ya Tuhan, Cita..! kenapa kau harus mencintainya..?!”
“Putra itu, ingin memisahkanmu denganku, dia bilang, kau ini ingin memilikiku, kau mencintaiku, dia bilang kau ini menyukai sesama perempuan..”
Kau ingat, saat itu aku tertawa, aku tak percaya dengan apa yang kau katakan. Cinta ini membuatku buta.
“terserah kau mau tertawa atau menganggapku ini pembohong, saat Putra mengatakan hal itu, rasa cintaku padanya langsung hilang, aku tak bisa mendengar sahabat terbaikku dia hina seperti itu, di depan umum, dan aku tak memberitahumu karena aku takut kau terluka.. aku tak pernah ingin membuatku terluka, walau nyatanya aku membuatmu terluka sangat dalam, tapi itu karena aku tak tahu apa yang sebenarnya kau rasakan..”
Tuhan!! Apa yang harus kulakukan, saat itu kau tampak begitu putus asa untuk mengembalikan lagi perasaanku. Begitukah perasaanmu padaku ? kau juga tak ingin aku terluka ?
“Nisa, jangan menangis..!”
Hanya itu kata terakhir yang bisa ku ucapkan dalam percakapan kita saat itu. Aku hanya memelukmu. Perasaanku saat itu, darimana aku bisa mendapatkan lagi sahabat seperti dirimu. Cinta yang hina itu sudah membutakanku. Mulai saat itu, aku tak ingin kau terluka, dan juga tak akan pernah membiarkanmu membuatku terluka.
Nisa, maafkan aku karena pernah membencimu. Walau ketika aku membencimu, aku begitu terluka. Sampai saat ini aku tak pernah tahu apa yang membuatku begitu ingin kau bahagia, aku juga tak tahu apa yang membuatmu selalu ingin membuatku bahagia.
Sekarang kita tak bisa bertemu setiap hari, tapi itu lebih baik, agar orang-orang tak lagi berkata macam-macam tentang kita. Rencana kita saat ini, MENCARI CINTA. Walau kita terpisah jauh, tapi aku yakin kau bisa mendapatkan cinta itu. Yang pasti, kita tak akan lagi mencintai orang yang sama.
Nisa, kau adalah sahabat pertamaku yang selalu memberiku kebahagiaan. Terima kasih.
Desember, 2008
Aku suka wajahmu yang bingung…
“aku suka wajahmu yang bingung,” sudah pernah kubilang itu padamu. Dengan wajah manis dan senyum mengembang di bibirku.
“jahat..” itu juga yang selalu kau bilang, dengan bibir manyun yang dilanjutkan oleh senyum sumringah karena ternyata kau tahu bahwa aku hanya bermain-main saja denganmu.
Lalu kita berdua tertawa di koridor sekolah yang mulai sepi karena matahari hampir terbenam. Aku selalu bertanya, mengapa tawamu itu selalu tampak bahagia, apa yang ada dalam hatimu ketika kau tertawa ? mengapa kau selalu tampak lebih bahagia daripadaku ?
“Cita.. kamu kenapa..??” tanyamu.
Aku selalu terkejut bila ditanya seperti itu. Jangan kau mulai bertanya kepadaku, karena apa kau tahu, aku sedang memikirkanmu, “ya.. aku, gak apa-apa.. hmmm, bisakah kita pulang naik taksi saja, agar tak terlalu malam..”
Engkau mengangguk cepat dan selalu menampakkan senyuman termanismu padaku. Senyuman manis itu, bila kau gambar di wajahku, akan menjadi pahit, bukan ?
Mengapakah diriku selalu terluka
Mengapa pula luka itu selalu datang padaku
Mengapa kau tak pernah terluka
Akankah ada sedikit luka datang padamu..
Andai luka itu benar-benar datang padamu
Mungkin tetap aku yang akan lebih terluka..
Sejauh mana sebenarnya aku sudah mengenalmu, 2 tahun bukan waktu yang lama tapi juga bukan waktu yang sebentar. Dari awal aku mengenalmu, aku sudah melihat kegembiraan yang selalu kau bawa kepada setiap orang. Aku jadi ingin selalu menjadi orang yang kau bawakan kegembiraan itu. Semenjak itu hingga sekarang, kau masih saja tampak gembira dan aku jadi iri akan hal itu. Apalagi ketika dia hadir diantara kita.
“Cita..!!” dengan suaranya yang begitu khas, itu pertama kali dia memanggil namaku.
“ada apa..?”
“ehm.. kamu teman sekelasnya Nisa..??” mendengar namamu saat itu, entah mengapa hatiku selalu bangga, bangga bisa menjadi temanmu, yang dekat.
“iya..” jawabku dengan senyum terkembang.
“oh.. boleh minta nomor kamu..? oh ya, perkenalkan dulu, nama saya Putra..!” dia mengulurkan tangannya yang semu kecoklatan. Matanya bersinar dari balik kacamatanya ketika dia menyebutkan namanya, Putra.
Dia, Putra, lelaki yang menumbuhkan kebencian bahkan pada sahabatku sendiri. Jahat, ya..!!? siapa yang jahat sebenarnya, dia atau kamu, atau malah jadi aku yang jahat. Atau diantara kita terselip satu kejahatan yang awalnya kita tak tahu bentuknya seperti apa.
Dia, Putra, lelaki yang mencintaimu, lelaki yang kucintai, dalang dari semua kejahatan ini. Cinta itu, yang dia tumbuhkan padamu, dia layukan padaku.
Aku masih ingat ketika kau tiba-tiba datang padaku dengan wajah begitu berseri-seri, berlari tergesa, dan setelah sampai padaku, kau malah berputar-putar merasakan angin di sekitarmu. Beberapa menit aku memperhatikanmu, dengan raut muka yang mencerminkan ikut bahagia, tapi juga bingung, ada apa denganmu?
“Cita.. kamu tahu, aku sedang bahagia..!!”
“aku tahu, sejak kapan kau bersedih di depanku..?”
“tak pernah.. tahu kenapa aku bahagia..?”
“setiap hari kau bahagia..!”
“tapi ini beda, ini lebih bahagia dari hujan emas..”
“Cita.. cinta itu tidak berlebihan..”
“mulai hari ini aku pacarnya Putra..!”
Dengan tegas, tawa bahagia, hati riang, kau katakan semua itu di depanku. Aku sudah tahu hari itu akan datang, tapi aku masih saja menyimpan semua ini di dalam hatiku. Membuat diriku sendiri menderita demi kebahagianmu.
Entah kenapa aku tak peduli dengan perasaanku sendiri. Entah apa yang membuatku selalu ingin menjaga perhiasan berhargamu, kebahagiaanmu. Aku selalu berpikir, ada apa dengan diriku, sampai aku begitu mengharapkan sebuah kebahagiaan yang datang dari dirimu.
Kau bukanlah seorang yang kucintai, kau bukan lelaki yang harusnya kucintai. Kita ini sama perempuan, maka dari itu kita menjadi sahabat. Sahabat macam apakah diriku ini, yang membenci sahabatnya sendiri hanya karena sebuah perasaan hina yang kubuat sempurna. Munafik!
Lalu aku mencoba untuk menjauh darimu, agar kata-katamu tak lagi sampai kehati, tapi kau terus mencoba meraihku kembali.
“Cita.. bicaralah..!” katamu dengan wajah cemasmu yang begitu menusukku. Aku tak mau dirimu begitu cemas padaku yang sebenarnya tak perlu untuk kau khawatirkan.
“Nisa.. biarkan aku sendiri..”
“sebenarnya ada apa denganmu..?”
Saat itu kau pergi menuruti kata-kataku untuk sendiri.
Lalu aku melihatmu dari jauh, dengan wajah sedihmu. Ketika itu, aku dapati diriku tak bisa lagi merasakan jejakku. Aku merasa mati melihatmu bersedih. Wajah itu, wajah yang dipenuhi kegembiraan, tiba-tiba hilang, dan aku tahu sumbernya adalah aku. Lalu akankah ku tega untuk terus membuatmu bersedih seperti itu, aku tak bisa, dan akhirnya daripada aku terluka karena melihatmu terluka, lebih baik aku terluka karena melihatmu bahagia.
“Nisa.. tersenyumlah,” pintaku.
Lalu kau tersenyum. Hatiku yang tersayat, perlahan terobati.
“maafkan aku, Nisa..!”
“tak apa, kau tahu Cita, awalnya aku ingin menangis ketika kau bilang kau ingin sendiri dan tak mau kutemani, tapi aku selalu ingat kata-katamu, ‘menangis tak akan pernah membawa kebahagiaan, dan kebahagiaan adalah satu-satunya yang kuinginkan’, dan aku tak menangis, karena aku selalu ingin kau bahagia..” setelah kau berkata seperti itu, kau memelukku. Jadi aku yang ingin menangis. Andai kau tahu saat itu juga, Nisa, kau telah membawa seluruh kebahagiaanku bersamamu. Karena itu, aku harus selalu bersamamu, agar kau tak jauh-jauh membawanya pergi. Walau tak langsung, aku masih bisa merasakannya.
Suatu hari, kau datang padaku dengan wajah muram. Tiba-tiba menangis di pangkuanku, tangisan pertama yang kau tumpahkan padaku. Yang kau sebut saat itu, hanya Putra.. Putra.. dan Putra..
“Cita.. Putra jahat..!!”
Mendengar nama itu kau sebut dan kata sifat di belakangnya. Sebelah hatiku tertawa, sebelah lagi marah. Benarkah masih ada cinta itu untuknya. Kau tak tahu aku mencintai Putra, kau tak tahu bagaimana perasaanku ketika kau bilang ‘Putra jahat!’ saat itu aku ingin membunuh seseorang, tapi aku tak tahu, haruskah dirimu yang ku bunuh, atau dia.
Besoknya, ku beranikan diri untuk menemui Putra, tak disangka, dia juga ingin bertemu denganku.
“Putra..!!” aku lebih dulu memanggil namanya, dengan segenap keberanian yang ada untuk menahan seluruh rasa cintaku padanya.
“eh.. Cita, aku baru mau menemui kamu..!”
Aku terkaget mendengarnya, semua hal yang ingin kukatakan padanya menjadi buyar, hanya karena beberapa kata keluar dari mulutnya, ya Tuhan, ternyata cinta itu masih ada. Beribu kali kukatakan pada diriku sendiri, kalau cinta itu bukan cinta yang sebenarnya, aku tak mungkin mencintai cinta sahabatku sendiri.
“aku mau minta maaf sama Nisa, aku ingin kamu mempertemukan aku dengannya, tolonglah.. dia tak mau menjawab telfonku, tak mau membaca suratku..” lanjutnya.
Dan aku mengangguk!! Apa itu adalah hal terbodoh yang kulakukan, aku menemui Putra untuk mengatakan padanya bahwa dia sudah menyakitimu, lalu habis-habisan memarahinya. Dan ternyata aku tak bisa. Aku ingin sekali menertawakan diriku sendiri saat itu. Cinta itu membuatku gila. Membuatku selalu menyakiti diriku sendiri untuk kebahagiaanmu. Mungkin untuk kebahagiaannya juga.
Saat aku mengatakan bahwa Putra ingin bertemu denganmu, kau tampakkan wajah marahmu. Kau tak pernah marah, apalagi padaku.
“Cita, kenapa kamu mau mempertemukanku dengannya, sebenarnya kau ada di pihak siapa..??” aku terkejut kau bertanya seperti itu. Aku di pihak siapa..? aku pun tak begitu tahu, aku terlalu bingung untuk memikirkannya.
“tentu saja aku berada di pihakmu..” kataku, tak tahu lagi apa yang harus kukatakan sebenarnya.
“Cita, apa kau tak mengerti seberapa besar kesalahannya padaku..?”
“kau bilang dia sudah memarahimu di depan umum, itu mungkin bisa diperbaiki, kan, Nisa..!” mulai lagi aku membela Putra. Tuhan, cinta ini membunuhku.
“bukan hanya itu…!”
“lalu apa…?”
“aku tak bisa bilang..!”
“Cita..!!” kau tampak lelah hanya untuk memberitahukan sesuatu padaku, “.. Cita, pokoknya kamu jauhi Putra, Putra itu jahat..”
Lalu kau berlalu begitu saja dari hadapanku.
Putra tersenyum padaku, saat aku menghampirinya yang sedang berteduh dari hujan di depan sebuah kios. Dia tampak menggigil kedinginan karena hujan kali ini hampir menyerupai hujan es.
“terima kasih.. maaf, aku malah menghubungimu, karena kalau tak salah, rumahmu di dekat sini kan.?” kau bilang dengan suara khasmu.
“tak masalah, tapi darimana kau tahu rumahku..”
“hmm.. dari Nisa..”
Kami berjalan di bawah hujan menuju rumahku. Sesampainya disana, aku memberikannya handuk untuk mengeringkan rambutnya yang basah. Aku memberinya secangkir teh hangat, lalu kita berbicara di ruang makan.
“Putra.. apa kau masih ingin Nisa kembali padamu..?” tanyaku saat itu, dengan segala kelemahan yang ku punyai.
“aku sangat ingin Nisa kembali padaku, tapi mau bagaimana lagi, mendengarkanmu pun dia sudah tak mau kan..?!”
“aku sangat mencintai Nisa..” Putra mengatakan hal itu, dengan kesedihan menghiasi wajahnya.
Aku ingin membuat Putra bahagia, di sisi lain, aku ingin membuatmu bahagia. Membuat Putra bahagia adalah mengembalikanmu padanya. Membuatmu bahagia adalah dengan meninggalkan semua hal tentang Putra.
Ada sekejap pikiran melintas di kepalaku. Bukankah ini baik untukku, ketika kau membenci Putra, dan kini Putra lebih dekat padaku. Bukankah ada begitu banyak peluang untukku. Hanya dengan beberapa usaha untuk membuat kau hilang dari pikiran Putra, mungkin aku bisa menjadi pengganti dirimu di hati Putra.
Kau pernah bilang padaku untuk menjauh dari Putra. Itu berarti kau tidak suka bila aku mencintainya. Tapi aku tak bisa, aku masih mencintainya, aku masih mengharapkan sesuatu dari dirinya.
Akh.. kau, begitu banyak kebencian yang kini merasuki diriku. Aku jadi benci dirimu yang seperti tak ingin melihatku bahagia.
“Nisa… apa kau masih tak mau bertemu dengan Putra..?” tanyaku sedikit memaksa.
Kau mendesah, “Cita, sudah berapa kali aku bilang, aku tak ingin lagi bertemu dengannya, aku puas dengan keputusanku, aku sudah tak mencintainya lagi, aku…”
“…dia masih mencintaimu, Nisa..”
“aku tak bisa..!”
“aku tak bisa bilang…”
Aku lelah mengatakan ini semua padamu sebenarnya.
“kalau begitu, bolehkah aku bersamanya ? bolehkah aku mencintainya ?”
Akhirnya kalimat itu yang ku ucapkan. Aku sudah terlalu lelah menahan semua luka ini. Aku berhak pula mendapatkan kebahagiaanku.
“apa..?? Cita, sudah kubilang padamu untuk menjauh darinya kan..?” kau tampak begitu terkejut dan tak terima dengan apa yang telah ku ucapkan padamu.
“kau tahu, aku sudah bosan untuk selalu membuatmu bahagia, aku sudah bosan menanggung seluruh lukaku ini sendirian, aku terluka saat kau bersama Putra, karena aku mencintainya..” aku menangis saat itu, walau aku sudah mengatakan padamu mengapa aku terluka, luka itu bukannya terobati, malah makin menganga. Apalagi melihat kau menangis lebih histeris.
“Cita..!!! mengapa kau baru mengatakan ini sekarang, kalau aku tahu, aku tak akan pernah bersama dia,” ketika kau menangis, aku tak tahu apa yang menghunusku saat itu, pedang? Pisau? Belati? Mengapa aku jadi makin terluka setelah mengatakan semua lukaku yang kau sebabkan. Saat itu juga aku ingin mengatakan, ‘jangan menangis, Nisa.’ Kau hanya akan lebih membuatku terluka dengan tangisanmu.
“walaupun saat itu kau tahu apa yang kurasakan, apakah kau akan mengelak cintamu padanya..?”
“apapun akan kulakukan untukmu. Ya Tuhan, Cita..! kenapa kau harus mencintainya..?!”
“Putra itu, ingin memisahkanmu denganku, dia bilang, kau ini ingin memilikiku, kau mencintaiku, dia bilang kau ini menyukai sesama perempuan..”
Kau ingat, saat itu aku tertawa, aku tak percaya dengan apa yang kau katakan. Cinta ini membuatku buta.
“terserah kau mau tertawa atau menganggapku ini pembohong, saat Putra mengatakan hal itu, rasa cintaku padanya langsung hilang, aku tak bisa mendengar sahabat terbaikku dia hina seperti itu, di depan umum, dan aku tak memberitahumu karena aku takut kau terluka.. aku tak pernah ingin membuatku terluka, walau nyatanya aku membuatmu terluka sangat dalam, tapi itu karena aku tak tahu apa yang sebenarnya kau rasakan..”
Tuhan!! Apa yang harus kulakukan, saat itu kau tampak begitu putus asa untuk mengembalikan lagi perasaanku. Begitukah perasaanmu padaku ? kau juga tak ingin aku terluka ?
“Nisa, jangan menangis..!”
Hanya itu kata terakhir yang bisa ku ucapkan dalam percakapan kita saat itu. Aku hanya memelukmu. Perasaanku saat itu, darimana aku bisa mendapatkan lagi sahabat seperti dirimu. Cinta yang hina itu sudah membutakanku. Mulai saat itu, aku tak ingin kau terluka, dan juga tak akan pernah membiarkanmu membuatku terluka.
Nisa, maafkan aku karena pernah membencimu. Walau ketika aku membencimu, aku begitu terluka. Sampai saat ini aku tak pernah tahu apa yang membuatku begitu ingin kau bahagia, aku juga tak tahu apa yang membuatmu selalu ingin membuatku bahagia.
Sekarang kita tak bisa bertemu setiap hari, tapi itu lebih baik, agar orang-orang tak lagi berkata macam-macam tentang kita. Rencana kita saat ini, MENCARI CINTA. Walau kita terpisah jauh, tapi aku yakin kau bisa mendapatkan cinta itu. Yang pasti, kita tak akan lagi mencintai orang yang sama.
Nisa, kau adalah sahabat pertamaku yang selalu memberiku kebahagiaan. Terima kasih.
Desember, 2008
Angel’s Mate
Angel’s Mate
Trash away your beautiful day, dive into dark hole. Reality in front of you. Stoop down, you might help from me, you may need but... the sin you caused is not for me to cover. As you wake from dream, reality may destroy you, stoop down, you might, I may be in need but.. don’t try to count on me, right now, I can not even laugh.
“The pain you only bear to cover your sin, is always get what it wants. You have this destiny, to be alone..”
Bukan.. hanya saja, memang aku tak pernah mencari. Atau aku mencari di tempat yang salah ?
“tapi kadang aku bisa menemukanmu, walau saat itu kau sedang terseok-seok di tengah labirin panjang yang kupikir sengaja kau lewati untuk mencariku..”
Ya, aku pernah mencarimu disana, tapi waktu itu, aku sama sekali tak bisa menemukanmu.
“dimana kau taruh matamu..? bukankah selalu banyak cahaya di sekitarmu, kau bisa dengan jelas melihat apapun..!”
Tapi, labirin itu memang gelap sekali.
“begitukah..? sepertinya cahaya itu mulai menghilang darimu.. malaikatku..!!”
Jangan pernah bicara seperti itu..!! cahaya itu masih tetap ada dan akan selalu ada..!!
“hahaha.. bercanda kamu..!! lalu untuk apa kau mencariku sampai kesini, bukankah kau sudah tahu resikonya..!”
Apa..??!!! asalkan aku tak kehilangan sayapku___
“__tak akan, hanya saja warnanya akan berubah..!”
“kenapa..? kau keberatan..?!”
“salahmu.. mencari di tempat yang salah.. salahmu.. mencari yang tak bisa jadi milikmu..”
Aku tak ingin sendirian, itu saja..!! aku akan terus mencari, kemanapun kau pergi.
“...... dasar anak kecil..!! cahaya baru melahirkanmu kemarin, kini kau berlagak sok mencari cinta..!”
Aku bukan anak kecil!!! Aku sudah lahir bahkan sebelum dirimu ada, bahkan aku yang melahirkanmu.
“hah.. begitukah menurutmu, lalu kenapa kau tampak sulit sekali untuk merasakannya..!? .. .. .. .. .. aku tak mau, kau masih terlalu suci untuk merasakanku..!”
Kenapa!!!?? Harus seberapa jauh lagi aku berlari, harus seberapa keras lagi aku berteriak, aku hanya ingin merasakan cintamu..!!!!!!
“aku ini tak sesuci yang kau kira.. aku bahkan lebih hina dari ludahku sendiri, aku bahkan... tak ingin merasakan diriku sendiri..!”
Kenapa mereka bisa merasakannya..? kenapa aku tidak..?
“karena mereka memang ditakdirkan untuk memilikinya, mereka tak ditakdirkan untuk sendiri.. mereka tak terlahir dari cahaya suci itu, mereka lahir dari tanah, dari tempat yang terinjak-injak, mereka pantas merasakannya.. merasakan cinta yang hina dan selalu membuat luka.. itu takdirnya, takdirmu berbeda, relakanlah takdir itu, kau takkan pernah bisa merasakannya..! malaikat yang jatuh cinta pada cinta... takkah itu terdengar begitu hina..??”
jadikanlah diriku hina... mungkin kau menganggapku anak kemarin sore, dan tak tahu apa-apa tentang dirimu, namun, bisakah sedikit kau mengerti kalau diriku ini berbeda..
“aku sudah tahu dirimu berbeda, kalau tidak, kau tak akan pernah punya keinginan untuk mencariku..!”
lalu kenapa tak jua kau mengerti..?!
“itu karena.. kubilang rasa ini hanya untuk kau rasakan dan bukan untuk kau miliki lalu kauberikan pada seseorang, rasa ini terlalu hampa bagimu bila kau membaginya dengan orang lain..”
Hampa..?! hidupku sudah terlanjur hampa, dengan semua cahaya, sayap putih, tubuh bersih dan segala macam bentuk kesucian.. aku ingin keluar dari hidup seperti ini.. aku ingin merasakan cinta yang mereka bilang punya warna lain..
“ya,, kau benar, ada warna lain yang mungkin tak pernah kau lihat karena kau terus berada dalam cahaya.. warna kegelapan, yang seperti tadi kubilang, bisa merubah warna sayapmu, sayang..!”
...... sejak kapan kegelapan bisa sampai menghitamkan sayap putihku..?
“sejak.. malaikat-malaikat itu membenci kegelapan, mereka pikir, kegelapan tak bisa mendengar, tapi nyatanya kegelapan tahu dan mulai pula membenci malaikat-malaikat itu yang hidup dalam cahaya.. pelan-pelan, ketika beberapa malaikat tak sengaja lewat disisi kegelapan, kegelapan menariknya dengan berbagai godaan yang salah satunya seperti yang menggodamu ini..”
Jadi sebenarnya kau ini adalah bagian dari kegelapan..?
“mungkin iya, mungkin tidak.. tapi aku memang lebih banyak berada dalam kegelapan, penuh air mata, kemunafikan, dusta,,”
Tapi kudengar, dalam kegelapan itu lebih banyak iblis, dan iblis tak bisa merasakan cinta..
“iblis memang tak bisa merasakan cinta.. tapi dia selalu dikecap rasa cinta, entah apa yang membuat cinta lebih senang berada dalam dekapan iblis daripada dalam kehangatan malaikat.. hangatnya cahaya dan api itu berbeda.. dengar, bila kau nekad merasakan ini, dosa yang kau buat bukan untuk kututupi lagi, kenyataan akan menghancurkanmu, aku mungkin sangat dibutuhkan olehmu, tapi jangan pernah mencoba untuk memilikiku, aku bukan untuk kau miliki..”
Kalau begitu.. jadikan juga diriku ini iblis.. kalau memang hanya itu yang bisa membuatku merasakan dirimu, wahai cinta..
Finished : December 1, 2008
Trash away your beautiful day, dive into dark hole. Reality in front of you. Stoop down, you might help from me, you may need but... the sin you caused is not for me to cover. As you wake from dream, reality may destroy you, stoop down, you might, I may be in need but.. don’t try to count on me, right now, I can not even laugh.
“The pain you only bear to cover your sin, is always get what it wants. You have this destiny, to be alone..”
Bukan.. hanya saja, memang aku tak pernah mencari. Atau aku mencari di tempat yang salah ?
“tapi kadang aku bisa menemukanmu, walau saat itu kau sedang terseok-seok di tengah labirin panjang yang kupikir sengaja kau lewati untuk mencariku..”
Ya, aku pernah mencarimu disana, tapi waktu itu, aku sama sekali tak bisa menemukanmu.
“dimana kau taruh matamu..? bukankah selalu banyak cahaya di sekitarmu, kau bisa dengan jelas melihat apapun..!”
Tapi, labirin itu memang gelap sekali.
“begitukah..? sepertinya cahaya itu mulai menghilang darimu.. malaikatku..!!”
Jangan pernah bicara seperti itu..!! cahaya itu masih tetap ada dan akan selalu ada..!!
“hahaha.. bercanda kamu..!! lalu untuk apa kau mencariku sampai kesini, bukankah kau sudah tahu resikonya..!”
Apa..??!!! asalkan aku tak kehilangan sayapku___
“__tak akan, hanya saja warnanya akan berubah..!”
“kenapa..? kau keberatan..?!”
“salahmu.. mencari di tempat yang salah.. salahmu.. mencari yang tak bisa jadi milikmu..”
Aku tak ingin sendirian, itu saja..!! aku akan terus mencari, kemanapun kau pergi.
“...... dasar anak kecil..!! cahaya baru melahirkanmu kemarin, kini kau berlagak sok mencari cinta..!”
Aku bukan anak kecil!!! Aku sudah lahir bahkan sebelum dirimu ada, bahkan aku yang melahirkanmu.
“hah.. begitukah menurutmu, lalu kenapa kau tampak sulit sekali untuk merasakannya..!? .. .. .. .. .. aku tak mau, kau masih terlalu suci untuk merasakanku..!”
Kenapa!!!?? Harus seberapa jauh lagi aku berlari, harus seberapa keras lagi aku berteriak, aku hanya ingin merasakan cintamu..!!!!!!
“aku ini tak sesuci yang kau kira.. aku bahkan lebih hina dari ludahku sendiri, aku bahkan... tak ingin merasakan diriku sendiri..!”
Kenapa mereka bisa merasakannya..? kenapa aku tidak..?
“karena mereka memang ditakdirkan untuk memilikinya, mereka tak ditakdirkan untuk sendiri.. mereka tak terlahir dari cahaya suci itu, mereka lahir dari tanah, dari tempat yang terinjak-injak, mereka pantas merasakannya.. merasakan cinta yang hina dan selalu membuat luka.. itu takdirnya, takdirmu berbeda, relakanlah takdir itu, kau takkan pernah bisa merasakannya..! malaikat yang jatuh cinta pada cinta... takkah itu terdengar begitu hina..??”
jadikanlah diriku hina... mungkin kau menganggapku anak kemarin sore, dan tak tahu apa-apa tentang dirimu, namun, bisakah sedikit kau mengerti kalau diriku ini berbeda..
“aku sudah tahu dirimu berbeda, kalau tidak, kau tak akan pernah punya keinginan untuk mencariku..!”
lalu kenapa tak jua kau mengerti..?!
“itu karena.. kubilang rasa ini hanya untuk kau rasakan dan bukan untuk kau miliki lalu kauberikan pada seseorang, rasa ini terlalu hampa bagimu bila kau membaginya dengan orang lain..”
Hampa..?! hidupku sudah terlanjur hampa, dengan semua cahaya, sayap putih, tubuh bersih dan segala macam bentuk kesucian.. aku ingin keluar dari hidup seperti ini.. aku ingin merasakan cinta yang mereka bilang punya warna lain..
“ya,, kau benar, ada warna lain yang mungkin tak pernah kau lihat karena kau terus berada dalam cahaya.. warna kegelapan, yang seperti tadi kubilang, bisa merubah warna sayapmu, sayang..!”
...... sejak kapan kegelapan bisa sampai menghitamkan sayap putihku..?
“sejak.. malaikat-malaikat itu membenci kegelapan, mereka pikir, kegelapan tak bisa mendengar, tapi nyatanya kegelapan tahu dan mulai pula membenci malaikat-malaikat itu yang hidup dalam cahaya.. pelan-pelan, ketika beberapa malaikat tak sengaja lewat disisi kegelapan, kegelapan menariknya dengan berbagai godaan yang salah satunya seperti yang menggodamu ini..”
Jadi sebenarnya kau ini adalah bagian dari kegelapan..?
“mungkin iya, mungkin tidak.. tapi aku memang lebih banyak berada dalam kegelapan, penuh air mata, kemunafikan, dusta,,”
Tapi kudengar, dalam kegelapan itu lebih banyak iblis, dan iblis tak bisa merasakan cinta..
“iblis memang tak bisa merasakan cinta.. tapi dia selalu dikecap rasa cinta, entah apa yang membuat cinta lebih senang berada dalam dekapan iblis daripada dalam kehangatan malaikat.. hangatnya cahaya dan api itu berbeda.. dengar, bila kau nekad merasakan ini, dosa yang kau buat bukan untuk kututupi lagi, kenyataan akan menghancurkanmu, aku mungkin sangat dibutuhkan olehmu, tapi jangan pernah mencoba untuk memilikiku, aku bukan untuk kau miliki..”
Kalau begitu.. jadikan juga diriku ini iblis.. kalau memang hanya itu yang bisa membuatku merasakan dirimu, wahai cinta..
Finished : December 1, 2008
[One Shot] Tik Tok
Title: Tik Tok (based on 2PM's song, same title)
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Hyoyeon
Rating: PG13 here
Length: 1/2
Genre: Song Fic
This fic has been in my compi from two months ago. Comes to me suddenly after I watch Eunhyuk's performed Love Song. So Hot!!
Nobody knows
How I want you like this everyday
Everytime I embrace you behind the stage
My heart burst
Their relationship isn’t inspired by how they are being the best dancers in the two groups or because the company says that SNSD was the girl version of Super Junior. Even less they also don’t reflect on what Donghae and Jessica did in the past before the two of them finally debuted. But their relationship starts just as the usual, love comes when a boy meets a girl. However, how they walk on it isn’t what the ordinary people called a relationship.
We greet each other awkwardly in front of people
But when we turn away, I’m the one who knows you best
Hyoyeon sits on the couch behind their make-up desk and is watching the TV above which is broadcasting Rain’s song ‘Love Song’ by Super Junior, 2AM, and 2PM. She’s really absorbed by the performance, she doesn’t notice everyone is busy for their upcoming performance right next after this one. She smiles genuinely when Eunhyuk’s part comes and agapes when he sings very good to it. But before it ends, she’s being dragged by Tiffany to prepare their performance, she sighs.
I can hear more loudly in my ear
What you say with that gaze, that’s right
Your desire for me, your thirst
We go crazy for each other like this
“Oppa, you’re so handsome!!”
She hears the other SNSD members yell when Shindong, Eunhyuk, Jokwon, Chansung and Nichkun come to the backstage. She spots him, so funny with his fake eyelashes but extremely hot with his black wife-beater covering his sculpted torso, highfive-ing with Sunny – who stands beside her – and then turns to her. He does that also to her before bowing comfortably but obliviously awkward. When they walk to a different way, they glance over and found each other’s eyes. In 3 seconds it meets but it actually says thousand things. They smile and just the two of them knows what the smiles mean.
That I love you secretly
That you’re really my girl
Drive me so crazy everyday
I just want you, you this way
It’s been midnight when Eunhyuk rings the bell to the red painted house and 1 minute later an old man opens it for him. The old man smiles even if it is visible that he’s just awakened from sleep. Eunhyuk gives him an apologetic smile but the old man brushes it off. The old man walks back to the kitchen after locks the door and leaves Eunhyuk under the stairs. He climbs it soon when he realizes that he’s in the dark living room alone.
Eunhyuk opens one door to his left that he’s known by the heart even if it’s dark all over the house. He finds that the light come only from the bedside table but it also switch on to off and on again and like that continously by a hand that creep from under the blanket. Eunhyuk chuckles to that before sits on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes and jacket.
“It will be perishable, you know, eventhough it’s expensive…” he says and hears a sigh from under the blanket as a response.
The girl pulls off the blanket from her upper body and stares at Eunhyuk’s back. He still wears that wife-beater he wore when performing Love Song. She looks at his elegance neck to his shoulder blades down to his toned arms. How lucky she is to have this handsome man that – she knows – loved by millions people, but that is not the important thing. What people see is just the outside of him, she… knows him from the deep inside of him. How he always treats her like a woman should be, he always been a best boyfriend she ever had. Nobody knows though.
Come here, tik tok tik tok tik tok
When I see you, tik tok tik tok tik tok
All day tik tok tik tok tik tok
My heart tik tok tik tok tik tok
He turns to Hyoyeon suddenly and catchs her staring at him so intensely, “what are you staring at ?”
Hyoyeon blushes to that so she pulls the blanket over his head again. She can hear Eunhyuk giggles and feels the bed dip beside her and the next thing she knew Eunhyuk’s eyes bores a hole to hers in such a close proximity. She can’t think properly if they are so close like this. There’s no sound inside or from outside the room, only the ticking of clock and their heartbeat the only thing they can hear. Eunhyuk leans forward, he intends to kiss those lips that he’s been longing for the whole day, but Hyoyeon cups his face and pushes him back. Eunhyuk feels confused while Hyoyeon just chuckles.
“Oppa you’re so funny!” she says as she taps his cheek.
He pouts, “what so funny?” Eunhyuk scolds.
“Just now, in Mubank… with your fake eyelashes. I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it!” Hyoyeon continues laughing her heart out
“You think that funny? It supposed to be cool and sexy, even for Donghee hyung, y’know!”
Hyoyeon suddenly shows some interest, “oh, right! Donghee oppa was really cool, his voice was similar to Rain, very handsome!”
“Yeah!” Eunhyuk agrees to what Hyoyeon’s says, but he thinks again about it, “hey… you think Donghee hyung handsome but not me, you’re really….”
Eunhyuk gives a scowl to Hyoyeon for the last time before heading towards her bathroom. Hyoyeon just giggles towards her boyfriend’s behavior.
Nobody knows
That you and I love like this everyday
There’s no room in my heart for anyone to come in beside you
Hyoyeon leans on her door frame and watches Eunhyuk washes his face, “oppa!” she calls, but Eunhyuk just continues to wash his face and then his arms.
She approaches him then lean on his shoulder, “hey! Don’t be angry with me!” when she doesn’t get the answer, she circles her arms over Eunhyuk’s body.
Eunhyuk sighs and pulls her into his arms, “sure…”
Hyoyeon smiles in relief when finally she can feel those arms again embracing her body, so warm she doesn’t want – ever – to trade it with something else. But suddenly she pouts, makes Eunhyuk frowning, “because it’s me who supossed to be angry with you!” she pushes him away from her warmth – eventhough it’s hard, but she’s always enjoying to tease Eunhyuk –.
“You haven’t congratulated me yet. We won K-Chart just now, where were you, oppa?”
“Eh? You were?” Eunhyuk looks as if in a deep thought. Actually, he has known it, but he just waits for the right time to congratulate her.
“Oppa!!” she yells, but Eunhyuk just laughs at her pout.
Eunhyuk pulls her again to his arms, tugs some strands of hair behind her left ear, “okay, so.. how am I supposed to congratulate you now?”
Hyoyeon just smiles the sweetest smile she has to Eunhyuk and then tangles her arms behind his neck. Eunhyuk stares at those lips that perform the smile he knows just for him, “just…” Hyoyeon starts and leans up closer to Eunhyuk’s face. She stops just inch away from touching his lips with her, waiting, and Eunhyuk doesn’t waste any time, he claims those lips for the first time since two weeks ago.
Tik, I knew from the beginning
Tik, there was something about you
Tik, in that gaze you stared at me with
Tok, for your exhilarating love
Tok, I’m always thirsty
Tok, I keep searching for you secretly
They start the make-out session as soon as Eunhyuk lift Hyoyeon to sit on the sink. The tortured two weeks without touching each other adds more passion to what they do right now. Of course they always keep their quality of love and don’t pay much attention to a thing called quantity, but that aching feeling they have for each other if they can’t even see the most precious person in their live for more than a week, who can bear it?
Everyday they keep searching for each other. Hyoyeon being far from the town because of SNSD’s vacation and Eunhyuk with his new album busy schedule. Hyoyeon always waiting for Eunhyuk phone calls or just message but it only happens once or twice a week, he’s really busy, she knows it. She’s not different either, when SNSD has to promote their album, the condition is always the same to their relationship. It has been more than a year since they realize that their feeling for each other not just as a friend or family, but there was something between them, it was love and it lasts, obviously for them. A year is a long journey for a couple to be in a relationship and for ordinary couple maybe they have done anything to enjoy that they’re in a relationship, but not them. They never go on a date to a place that every couple should visit, they rarely drive together, because in a fact people like them don’t deserve something called relationship, not when they are walking in the same dream.
Today is their time. Eunhyuk can’t hold it inside anymore, he needs his Hyo. She just came back 3 days ago and as she calls that she will be in her parents’ house on Thursday night and he has no schedule on Friday then that is it. Chance like this rarely comes to them. So, Eunhyuk doesn’t want to waste that chance, he lift Hyoyeon from the sink and carry her to her bed.
A/N Wait 'til next week(?)
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Hyoyeon
Rating: PG13 here
Length: 1/2
Genre: Song Fic
This fic has been in my compi from two months ago. Comes to me suddenly after I watch Eunhyuk's performed Love Song. So Hot!!
Nobody knows
How I want you like this everyday
Everytime I embrace you behind the stage
My heart burst
Their relationship isn’t inspired by how they are being the best dancers in the two groups or because the company says that SNSD was the girl version of Super Junior. Even less they also don’t reflect on what Donghae and Jessica did in the past before the two of them finally debuted. But their relationship starts just as the usual, love comes when a boy meets a girl. However, how they walk on it isn’t what the ordinary people called a relationship.
We greet each other awkwardly in front of people
But when we turn away, I’m the one who knows you best
Hyoyeon sits on the couch behind their make-up desk and is watching the TV above which is broadcasting Rain’s song ‘Love Song’ by Super Junior, 2AM, and 2PM. She’s really absorbed by the performance, she doesn’t notice everyone is busy for their upcoming performance right next after this one. She smiles genuinely when Eunhyuk’s part comes and agapes when he sings very good to it. But before it ends, she’s being dragged by Tiffany to prepare their performance, she sighs.
I can hear more loudly in my ear
What you say with that gaze, that’s right
Your desire for me, your thirst
We go crazy for each other like this
“Oppa, you’re so handsome!!”
She hears the other SNSD members yell when Shindong, Eunhyuk, Jokwon, Chansung and Nichkun come to the backstage. She spots him, so funny with his fake eyelashes but extremely hot with his black wife-beater covering his sculpted torso, highfive-ing with Sunny – who stands beside her – and then turns to her. He does that also to her before bowing comfortably but obliviously awkward. When they walk to a different way, they glance over and found each other’s eyes. In 3 seconds it meets but it actually says thousand things. They smile and just the two of them knows what the smiles mean.
That I love you secretly
That you’re really my girl
Drive me so crazy everyday
I just want you, you this way
It’s been midnight when Eunhyuk rings the bell to the red painted house and 1 minute later an old man opens it for him. The old man smiles even if it is visible that he’s just awakened from sleep. Eunhyuk gives him an apologetic smile but the old man brushes it off. The old man walks back to the kitchen after locks the door and leaves Eunhyuk under the stairs. He climbs it soon when he realizes that he’s in the dark living room alone.
Eunhyuk opens one door to his left that he’s known by the heart even if it’s dark all over the house. He finds that the light come only from the bedside table but it also switch on to off and on again and like that continously by a hand that creep from under the blanket. Eunhyuk chuckles to that before sits on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes and jacket.
“It will be perishable, you know, eventhough it’s expensive…” he says and hears a sigh from under the blanket as a response.
The girl pulls off the blanket from her upper body and stares at Eunhyuk’s back. He still wears that wife-beater he wore when performing Love Song. She looks at his elegance neck to his shoulder blades down to his toned arms. How lucky she is to have this handsome man that – she knows – loved by millions people, but that is not the important thing. What people see is just the outside of him, she… knows him from the deep inside of him. How he always treats her like a woman should be, he always been a best boyfriend she ever had. Nobody knows though.
Come here, tik tok tik tok tik tok
When I see you, tik tok tik tok tik tok
All day tik tok tik tok tik tok
My heart tik tok tik tok tik tok
He turns to Hyoyeon suddenly and catchs her staring at him so intensely, “what are you staring at ?”
Hyoyeon blushes to that so she pulls the blanket over his head again. She can hear Eunhyuk giggles and feels the bed dip beside her and the next thing she knew Eunhyuk’s eyes bores a hole to hers in such a close proximity. She can’t think properly if they are so close like this. There’s no sound inside or from outside the room, only the ticking of clock and their heartbeat the only thing they can hear. Eunhyuk leans forward, he intends to kiss those lips that he’s been longing for the whole day, but Hyoyeon cups his face and pushes him back. Eunhyuk feels confused while Hyoyeon just chuckles.
“Oppa you’re so funny!” she says as she taps his cheek.
He pouts, “what so funny?” Eunhyuk scolds.
“Just now, in Mubank… with your fake eyelashes. I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it!” Hyoyeon continues laughing her heart out
“You think that funny? It supposed to be cool and sexy, even for Donghee hyung, y’know!”
Hyoyeon suddenly shows some interest, “oh, right! Donghee oppa was really cool, his voice was similar to Rain, very handsome!”
“Yeah!” Eunhyuk agrees to what Hyoyeon’s says, but he thinks again about it, “hey… you think Donghee hyung handsome but not me, you’re really….”
Eunhyuk gives a scowl to Hyoyeon for the last time before heading towards her bathroom. Hyoyeon just giggles towards her boyfriend’s behavior.
Nobody knows
That you and I love like this everyday
There’s no room in my heart for anyone to come in beside you
Hyoyeon leans on her door frame and watches Eunhyuk washes his face, “oppa!” she calls, but Eunhyuk just continues to wash his face and then his arms.
She approaches him then lean on his shoulder, “hey! Don’t be angry with me!” when she doesn’t get the answer, she circles her arms over Eunhyuk’s body.
Eunhyuk sighs and pulls her into his arms, “sure…”
Hyoyeon smiles in relief when finally she can feel those arms again embracing her body, so warm she doesn’t want – ever – to trade it with something else. But suddenly she pouts, makes Eunhyuk frowning, “because it’s me who supossed to be angry with you!” she pushes him away from her warmth – eventhough it’s hard, but she’s always enjoying to tease Eunhyuk –.
“You haven’t congratulated me yet. We won K-Chart just now, where were you, oppa?”
“Eh? You were?” Eunhyuk looks as if in a deep thought. Actually, he has known it, but he just waits for the right time to congratulate her.
“Oppa!!” she yells, but Eunhyuk just laughs at her pout.
Eunhyuk pulls her again to his arms, tugs some strands of hair behind her left ear, “okay, so.. how am I supposed to congratulate you now?”
Hyoyeon just smiles the sweetest smile she has to Eunhyuk and then tangles her arms behind his neck. Eunhyuk stares at those lips that perform the smile he knows just for him, “just…” Hyoyeon starts and leans up closer to Eunhyuk’s face. She stops just inch away from touching his lips with her, waiting, and Eunhyuk doesn’t waste any time, he claims those lips for the first time since two weeks ago.
Tik, I knew from the beginning
Tik, there was something about you
Tik, in that gaze you stared at me with
Tok, for your exhilarating love
Tok, I’m always thirsty
Tok, I keep searching for you secretly
They start the make-out session as soon as Eunhyuk lift Hyoyeon to sit on the sink. The tortured two weeks without touching each other adds more passion to what they do right now. Of course they always keep their quality of love and don’t pay much attention to a thing called quantity, but that aching feeling they have for each other if they can’t even see the most precious person in their live for more than a week, who can bear it?
Everyday they keep searching for each other. Hyoyeon being far from the town because of SNSD’s vacation and Eunhyuk with his new album busy schedule. Hyoyeon always waiting for Eunhyuk phone calls or just message but it only happens once or twice a week, he’s really busy, she knows it. She’s not different either, when SNSD has to promote their album, the condition is always the same to their relationship. It has been more than a year since they realize that their feeling for each other not just as a friend or family, but there was something between them, it was love and it lasts, obviously for them. A year is a long journey for a couple to be in a relationship and for ordinary couple maybe they have done anything to enjoy that they’re in a relationship, but not them. They never go on a date to a place that every couple should visit, they rarely drive together, because in a fact people like them don’t deserve something called relationship, not when they are walking in the same dream.
Today is their time. Eunhyuk can’t hold it inside anymore, he needs his Hyo. She just came back 3 days ago and as she calls that she will be in her parents’ house on Thursday night and he has no schedule on Friday then that is it. Chance like this rarely comes to them. So, Eunhyuk doesn’t want to waste that chance, he lift Hyoyeon from the sink and carry her to her bed.
A/N Wait 'til next week(?)
Andai ketika aku tak kuasa inginkan sendiriku, kau ada disini, diantara celah hati yang tak sengaja kubagi. Kalau yang semu itu masih menapakkan jejak di tempatku berdiri, rasa yang kunistakan tak pelak lagi kutentang. Tentang kau yang gila, kau yang tak peka dan kau yang tak punya cinta, aku tak sadar kalau yang semu itu cinta.
Aah... semua yang nyata tak bersisa! Hanya ada aku disini dengan semua kertas yang tampak berserak tak jelas di pelupuk mataku.
Sebelumnya. Ada dirimu. Satu makhluk yang diam-diam datang dalam sendiri. Ketika kau ada yang tumbuh itu adalah sebuah kebencian yang meradang di tiap dinding pembuluh aliran darahku. Ketika kenyataan yang ada kau tak pernah kekurangan cinta, virus-virus kebencian itu makin membengkak dan mengganas dalam jiwa dan pikiranku.
Kalau yang semu itu terbungkus lagi janji palsu, maka akulah yang selamanya ratu, dalam kebohongan yang masih saja kuterima untuk kubentuk jujur. Saat yang sepi diindah sendiri, melantun nyanyian sunyi yang perih, tapi cantik. Yang pergi itu telah kembali, tepat dihadapanku, di depan mataku. Akankah ku lagi-lagi terbelenggu ? apakah cinta yang itu semu ?
Sial.. mengapa harus ada satu kata benci mengiringi indahnya dirimu. Mengapa harus ada satu kata ragu menyelimuti pikirku. Mengapa harus ada satu kata diam mengiringi kidung surga yang kunyanyikan di belakang semua orang tentangmu.
Tapi kau tak pelak perlahan mendekati pilar-pilar kehidupanku yang tegak berdiri. Pilar-pilar yang kubangun untuk menghadang orang-orang sepertimu. Orang yang... gila! Kau itu sebenarnya orang yang seperti apa ? aku masih bertanya-tanya pria seperti apa yang kucintai ini. Mengapa diantara kecintaanku padamu, masih ada benci-benci merajai.
Tanya demi tanya yang terucap mulai membusuk di sela kejenuhan, bermain-main terus dengan dillema, menjadi terbiasa. Hingga tetap saja yang lemah itu adalah diriku, maka tak akan pernah ada kata satu dalam hidupku. Ternyata rasa itu bukan pura-pura lagi menyiksa.
Hatiku mencintainya, hatiku membencinya. Jiwaku menginginkannya, jiwaku ingin mengusirnya. Kata apa yang pantas untuk mendeskripsikan rasa ini. Rasa yang membingungkan, tapi jelas sudah terasa, cinta. Padahal semua ini hanya terpaut satu garis lurus, namun dengan bodohnya aku anggap ini sebagai lingkaran setan yang tak pernah putus. Dengan perjalanan yang cukup panjang dan melelahkan mencari rasa yang tepat. Hilir mudik, keluar masuk rasa-rasa yang absurd tapi begitu jelas ada, malah tak mampu menguatkan diri untuk berpaling dari kegilaan yang dia miliki.
Aku ini menyedihkan. Aku mencintaimu tapi kau berada di balik dinding sana, menertawakanku. Rasa itu muncul selalu di tiap malam dan mimpiku. Kau tak pernah menganggapku sebagai sesuatu yang berharga di matamu, tak akan pernah! Dan bermimpi tentang memilikimu pun ternyata begitu sulit. Rasa yang ragu ini tak akan pernah bisa menyentuh kehidupanmu.
Bisakah dengan sisa-sisa kertas ini, rindu itu menghilang seiring berhembusnya angin dingin. Karena rindu itu lebih dingin dan menusuk dibandingkan dengan angin itu sendiri. Cinta, bisakah kau hanya diam disana dan aku memandangmu, tanpa kau harus berbalik memandangku dengan tatapan jijik karena tahu bahwa aku merasakan hal yang tak sepantasnya kurasakan...
2008年10 月 17 日
Aah... semua yang nyata tak bersisa! Hanya ada aku disini dengan semua kertas yang tampak berserak tak jelas di pelupuk mataku.
Sebelumnya. Ada dirimu. Satu makhluk yang diam-diam datang dalam sendiri. Ketika kau ada yang tumbuh itu adalah sebuah kebencian yang meradang di tiap dinding pembuluh aliran darahku. Ketika kenyataan yang ada kau tak pernah kekurangan cinta, virus-virus kebencian itu makin membengkak dan mengganas dalam jiwa dan pikiranku.
Kalau yang semu itu terbungkus lagi janji palsu, maka akulah yang selamanya ratu, dalam kebohongan yang masih saja kuterima untuk kubentuk jujur. Saat yang sepi diindah sendiri, melantun nyanyian sunyi yang perih, tapi cantik. Yang pergi itu telah kembali, tepat dihadapanku, di depan mataku. Akankah ku lagi-lagi terbelenggu ? apakah cinta yang itu semu ?
Sial.. mengapa harus ada satu kata benci mengiringi indahnya dirimu. Mengapa harus ada satu kata ragu menyelimuti pikirku. Mengapa harus ada satu kata diam mengiringi kidung surga yang kunyanyikan di belakang semua orang tentangmu.
Tapi kau tak pelak perlahan mendekati pilar-pilar kehidupanku yang tegak berdiri. Pilar-pilar yang kubangun untuk menghadang orang-orang sepertimu. Orang yang... gila! Kau itu sebenarnya orang yang seperti apa ? aku masih bertanya-tanya pria seperti apa yang kucintai ini. Mengapa diantara kecintaanku padamu, masih ada benci-benci merajai.
Tanya demi tanya yang terucap mulai membusuk di sela kejenuhan, bermain-main terus dengan dillema, menjadi terbiasa. Hingga tetap saja yang lemah itu adalah diriku, maka tak akan pernah ada kata satu dalam hidupku. Ternyata rasa itu bukan pura-pura lagi menyiksa.
Hatiku mencintainya, hatiku membencinya. Jiwaku menginginkannya, jiwaku ingin mengusirnya. Kata apa yang pantas untuk mendeskripsikan rasa ini. Rasa yang membingungkan, tapi jelas sudah terasa, cinta. Padahal semua ini hanya terpaut satu garis lurus, namun dengan bodohnya aku anggap ini sebagai lingkaran setan yang tak pernah putus. Dengan perjalanan yang cukup panjang dan melelahkan mencari rasa yang tepat. Hilir mudik, keluar masuk rasa-rasa yang absurd tapi begitu jelas ada, malah tak mampu menguatkan diri untuk berpaling dari kegilaan yang dia miliki.
Aku ini menyedihkan. Aku mencintaimu tapi kau berada di balik dinding sana, menertawakanku. Rasa itu muncul selalu di tiap malam dan mimpiku. Kau tak pernah menganggapku sebagai sesuatu yang berharga di matamu, tak akan pernah! Dan bermimpi tentang memilikimu pun ternyata begitu sulit. Rasa yang ragu ini tak akan pernah bisa menyentuh kehidupanmu.
Bisakah dengan sisa-sisa kertas ini, rindu itu menghilang seiring berhembusnya angin dingin. Karena rindu itu lebih dingin dan menusuk dibandingkan dengan angin itu sendiri. Cinta, bisakah kau hanya diam disana dan aku memandangmu, tanpa kau harus berbalik memandangku dengan tatapan jijik karena tahu bahwa aku merasakan hal yang tak sepantasnya kurasakan...
2008年10 月 17 日
[10] When You Love Your Friend; Epilogue
Title: When You Love Your Friend
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Sungmin. (slight!Yesung/Ryeowook)
Rating: PG-13
Current Music: Super Junior K.R.Y - Just You
Words: 1,680
Two Months Later
The doorbell rang in one of the big apartment on sixth floor. The couple who on the middle of unpacked one of the box that scattered on the living room looked at each other with frown on their face before the male one stood up and walked to the door. He pushed the button below the screen that present the person outside and saw a couple stood there with plastic bag in each other hand. The male smiled and then opened the door for them.
“Congratulation!” the guest couple said in unison as soon as he opened the door.
He just laughed before invited them to come into the apartment which was still smell new and box material, “what are you two congratulate at?” he asked.
“Your new apartment of course and congratulation that you two finally living together!” the girl said matter-of-factly.
“Sungmin?” a call from inside made them turned to the source of the voice.
Donghae was standing there with latex glove in both of her hands, but she took it off and lightly run to the person she was calling and hugged her, “how’s your honeymoon?”
“Good! Bali was so fascinating, it was beautiful, the beach, the street and especially its culture!” Sungmin started to brag about how their honeymoon in Bali was with Kyuhyun.
Sungmin and Kyuhyun finally decided to get married more than a week ago. At first Kyuhyun didn’t intend to ask permission from his parents because he knew they wouldn’t accept it, but in the middle of endowment, they came and gave their blessing to their only son. It was true love, how they endured the pain for years and beared the unhealed wound but in the end they finally could be happy together, if anyone saw them today for the first time, they wouldn’t be able to have the right guess what kind of love life they had had in the past.
Back to present. When Sungmin and Donghae started talking like they had no breathe on the couch in the living room and just left Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk on the doorway, Kyuhyun suggested them to open what he and Sungmin had brought.
“I have s wine and champagne here.” Kyuhyun said as they reached the kitchen, “Sungmin suggests this one for you,” he lifted one bottle of wine he took from the plastic bag.
“Oh, right! Thank you, I don’t really drink wine but when Sungmin gave me that, I started to drink it, eventhough just this one.”
They started to open the champagne first because it was time to celebrate. They were celebrating Eunhyuk and Donghae who have a new apartment together and Kyuhyun and Sungmin who just came back from honeymoon.
“Have you proposed her?” Kyuhyun asked as he poured the champagne into the tall glass.
Eunhyuk shook his head, “I was waiting for you two to come back because I need your help.”
Kyuhyun frowned by that answer, “I thought you have proposed her before get this apartment…”
“I don’t-” Eunhyuk stopped in mid sentence because he saw Donghae running to the bathroom with hand covered her mouth, “what happened to her?” he asked Sungmin who chased after his girlfriend.
Sungmin shook his head, also confused, “she started feeling unwell with her head and felt like she wanna throw up!” she explained and the next moment they heard Donghae’s sound of vomitting from inside the bathroom.
With a worried face, Eunhyuk came running after her and started to massage Donghae’s neck as soon as he reached her whose head bent low in the sink, “are you okay?!”
Donghae, still panting as if she was just running in kilometers long raised her hand and just nodded. Eunhyuk sighed but still worried and didn’t know what to do when Donghae kept vomitting to the sink. He called for Sungmin to get them a glass of water.
When Sungmin come to them with the water, she didn’t leave instead she leaned in the doorway and watched Donghae with a grin on her face, “why don’t you buy a test for pregnancy, Hyuk?” Sungmin offered and it made Eunhyuk and Donghae quickly took a glance on her.
“What?!” they exclaimed simultaneously.
Sungmin startled by their reaction but laughed in the next moment, “I only suggest thing!” and leave them both to think in silence.
“Should I b-buy it?” Eunhyuk asked hesitantly after a few minutes Donghae’s sound of vomit stopped.
“No.” Donghae answered simply before she walked to the closet in the bathroom and grabbed what seemed like a little box, “I bought it two days ago…” she took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself, “I’m late for almost a week now and I just have a feeling that I should buy this but too afraid to use it…” she trailed off.
“Hae…” Eunhyuk started as he still didn’t know what to say or what to do in this kind of situation.
“Now, if you will excuse me so I can use this and give myself an answer…”
Eunhyuk sighed and just nodded and leave the bathroom after he kissed her forehead. He didn’t know why but it looked like she needed his courage to do that. Eventhough he didn’t have an idea of what she meant by answer. So he patiently waited outside the bathroom, with his back glued to the wall beside the door and head bent low. Kyuhyun and Sungmin joined him by standing in front of him and leaned on the kitchen counter.
While inside the bathroom, Donghae opened the box that contained a test pregnancy with a shaking hand. After a minute, she bravely started to use it properly and then waited for like a decade what the test would show. One red line drew itself in the middle of the thing and after a few seconds the other line showed up crossing the previous one. Seeing that Donghae couldn’t help herself for tearing up but a big smile also showed up in her face. With overflowed confidence, she went out of the bathroom and found Kyuhyun and Sungmin in front of her. She turned her head to the side and Eunhyuk stood there with a really worried face because he saw the tears started forming in Donghae’s eyes.
Eunhyuk couldn’t think of everything when Donghae suddenly hugged him and whispered two words in his ear, “I’m pregnant!” he only could think of one thing after he gained conciousness, that I’m gonna be a father soon. Eunhyuk smiled dreamily to himself by that thought, he already could feelt the bundle of baby in his embrace, but soon he realized that it was still Donghae in his arms and he couldn’t forget that that baby, his baby would come from this woman he loves so much.
The happy soon to be father pulled away from her embrace, he grabbed her face and started to kiss the hell out of his soon to be wife, “marry me!” Eunhyuk asked out of breathe because of the rough and breathless kiss they shared before.
Donghae could see a glint of happiness in Eunhyuk’s eyes that mirrored in herself, “of course!” she answered matter of factly and Eunhyuk kissed her again tenderly.
“It seemed like we didn’t needed for any help anymore with your proposing plan.” Kyuhyun stated and the happy couple broke their kiss, slightly startled because they just realized that they weren’t alone in there. Eunhyuk just laughed sheepishly at that.
“And it seemed like we have one thing to celebrate,” Sungmin said as she grabbed one of the tall glass in her hand.
The four of them soon celebrating whatever there was to celebrate until night comes and Kyuhyun and Sungmin had to go because they said they would continue their ‘honeymoon’. Donghae just said that they jealous for she and Eunhyuk had already had a soon to be baby before marriage and they haven’t yet.
Later that night, Donghae and Eunhyuk laid under the cover of their new bed with the room still full of half unpacked boxes plus clothes which scattered around the bed that resulted in them now naked in each others arm.
“Hyukkie…” Donghae called as she caress Eunhyuk’s bare chest.
“Do you ever think that we will be in this state when you realized that you started to love me?”
Eunhyuk smiled to her question, “yes,” he answered, “I always thinking, and hoping that one day we’ll be together.”
She looked up at him and smiled lovingly, “I’m sorry I didn’t do the same.”
Eunhyuk chukled, “you didn’t love me back then,” he answered simply.
Hearing that, Donghae hugged his body tightly, as if Eunhyuk would go if she lossened it, “I love you.”
“It’s okay! You love me now and I couldn’t be happier than this.”
The next few minutes spent by them not talking and let the comfortable silence filled the room they shared together before Donghae broke the silence, “Hyuk…” she called first once again.
“Don’t you ever think that - to other people - when you love your friend, you will come to this state?”
“It depends… on how you love them and what kind of love you have for them.” Eunhyuk answered as he cradled her face and caressed her hair lovingly, “…on how you bear the pain and how much courage you have to tell them that you love them.”
“It doesn’t easy to love your own friend than to just love a person… because you are very aware of how those things separated in a big difference. However, you can never compare the beauty of it with anything else… when you love your friend…”
With that, Donghae slowly slept in Eunhyuk’s embrace. In her friend’s arms, in her friend’s love. It didn’t easy to love your friend but the beauty of it could make you forget that when you love your friend there were many wounds you had to bear but the love itself could endure it despite how much pain it might cost.
When you love your friend; End.
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Sungmin. (slight!Yesung/Ryeowook)
Rating: PG-13
Current Music: Super Junior K.R.Y - Just You
Words: 1,680
Two Months Later
The doorbell rang in one of the big apartment on sixth floor. The couple who on the middle of unpacked one of the box that scattered on the living room looked at each other with frown on their face before the male one stood up and walked to the door. He pushed the button below the screen that present the person outside and saw a couple stood there with plastic bag in each other hand. The male smiled and then opened the door for them.
“Congratulation!” the guest couple said in unison as soon as he opened the door.
He just laughed before invited them to come into the apartment which was still smell new and box material, “what are you two congratulate at?” he asked.
“Your new apartment of course and congratulation that you two finally living together!” the girl said matter-of-factly.
“Sungmin?” a call from inside made them turned to the source of the voice.
Donghae was standing there with latex glove in both of her hands, but she took it off and lightly run to the person she was calling and hugged her, “how’s your honeymoon?”
“Good! Bali was so fascinating, it was beautiful, the beach, the street and especially its culture!” Sungmin started to brag about how their honeymoon in Bali was with Kyuhyun.
Sungmin and Kyuhyun finally decided to get married more than a week ago. At first Kyuhyun didn’t intend to ask permission from his parents because he knew they wouldn’t accept it, but in the middle of endowment, they came and gave their blessing to their only son. It was true love, how they endured the pain for years and beared the unhealed wound but in the end they finally could be happy together, if anyone saw them today for the first time, they wouldn’t be able to have the right guess what kind of love life they had had in the past.
Back to present. When Sungmin and Donghae started talking like they had no breathe on the couch in the living room and just left Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk on the doorway, Kyuhyun suggested them to open what he and Sungmin had brought.
“I have s wine and champagne here.” Kyuhyun said as they reached the kitchen, “Sungmin suggests this one for you,” he lifted one bottle of wine he took from the plastic bag.
“Oh, right! Thank you, I don’t really drink wine but when Sungmin gave me that, I started to drink it, eventhough just this one.”
They started to open the champagne first because it was time to celebrate. They were celebrating Eunhyuk and Donghae who have a new apartment together and Kyuhyun and Sungmin who just came back from honeymoon.
“Have you proposed her?” Kyuhyun asked as he poured the champagne into the tall glass.
Eunhyuk shook his head, “I was waiting for you two to come back because I need your help.”
Kyuhyun frowned by that answer, “I thought you have proposed her before get this apartment…”
“I don’t-” Eunhyuk stopped in mid sentence because he saw Donghae running to the bathroom with hand covered her mouth, “what happened to her?” he asked Sungmin who chased after his girlfriend.
Sungmin shook his head, also confused, “she started feeling unwell with her head and felt like she wanna throw up!” she explained and the next moment they heard Donghae’s sound of vomitting from inside the bathroom.
With a worried face, Eunhyuk came running after her and started to massage Donghae’s neck as soon as he reached her whose head bent low in the sink, “are you okay?!”
Donghae, still panting as if she was just running in kilometers long raised her hand and just nodded. Eunhyuk sighed but still worried and didn’t know what to do when Donghae kept vomitting to the sink. He called for Sungmin to get them a glass of water.
When Sungmin come to them with the water, she didn’t leave instead she leaned in the doorway and watched Donghae with a grin on her face, “why don’t you buy a test for pregnancy, Hyuk?” Sungmin offered and it made Eunhyuk and Donghae quickly took a glance on her.
“What?!” they exclaimed simultaneously.
Sungmin startled by their reaction but laughed in the next moment, “I only suggest thing!” and leave them both to think in silence.
“Should I b-buy it?” Eunhyuk asked hesitantly after a few minutes Donghae’s sound of vomit stopped.
“No.” Donghae answered simply before she walked to the closet in the bathroom and grabbed what seemed like a little box, “I bought it two days ago…” she took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself, “I’m late for almost a week now and I just have a feeling that I should buy this but too afraid to use it…” she trailed off.
“Hae…” Eunhyuk started as he still didn’t know what to say or what to do in this kind of situation.
“Now, if you will excuse me so I can use this and give myself an answer…”
Eunhyuk sighed and just nodded and leave the bathroom after he kissed her forehead. He didn’t know why but it looked like she needed his courage to do that. Eventhough he didn’t have an idea of what she meant by answer. So he patiently waited outside the bathroom, with his back glued to the wall beside the door and head bent low. Kyuhyun and Sungmin joined him by standing in front of him and leaned on the kitchen counter.
While inside the bathroom, Donghae opened the box that contained a test pregnancy with a shaking hand. After a minute, she bravely started to use it properly and then waited for like a decade what the test would show. One red line drew itself in the middle of the thing and after a few seconds the other line showed up crossing the previous one. Seeing that Donghae couldn’t help herself for tearing up but a big smile also showed up in her face. With overflowed confidence, she went out of the bathroom and found Kyuhyun and Sungmin in front of her. She turned her head to the side and Eunhyuk stood there with a really worried face because he saw the tears started forming in Donghae’s eyes.
Eunhyuk couldn’t think of everything when Donghae suddenly hugged him and whispered two words in his ear, “I’m pregnant!” he only could think of one thing after he gained conciousness, that I’m gonna be a father soon. Eunhyuk smiled dreamily to himself by that thought, he already could feelt the bundle of baby in his embrace, but soon he realized that it was still Donghae in his arms and he couldn’t forget that that baby, his baby would come from this woman he loves so much.
The happy soon to be father pulled away from her embrace, he grabbed her face and started to kiss the hell out of his soon to be wife, “marry me!” Eunhyuk asked out of breathe because of the rough and breathless kiss they shared before.
Donghae could see a glint of happiness in Eunhyuk’s eyes that mirrored in herself, “of course!” she answered matter of factly and Eunhyuk kissed her again tenderly.
“It seemed like we didn’t needed for any help anymore with your proposing plan.” Kyuhyun stated and the happy couple broke their kiss, slightly startled because they just realized that they weren’t alone in there. Eunhyuk just laughed sheepishly at that.
“And it seemed like we have one thing to celebrate,” Sungmin said as she grabbed one of the tall glass in her hand.
The four of them soon celebrating whatever there was to celebrate until night comes and Kyuhyun and Sungmin had to go because they said they would continue their ‘honeymoon’. Donghae just said that they jealous for she and Eunhyuk had already had a soon to be baby before marriage and they haven’t yet.
Later that night, Donghae and Eunhyuk laid under the cover of their new bed with the room still full of half unpacked boxes plus clothes which scattered around the bed that resulted in them now naked in each others arm.
“Hyukkie…” Donghae called as she caress Eunhyuk’s bare chest.
“Do you ever think that we will be in this state when you realized that you started to love me?”
Eunhyuk smiled to her question, “yes,” he answered, “I always thinking, and hoping that one day we’ll be together.”
She looked up at him and smiled lovingly, “I’m sorry I didn’t do the same.”
Eunhyuk chukled, “you didn’t love me back then,” he answered simply.
Hearing that, Donghae hugged his body tightly, as if Eunhyuk would go if she lossened it, “I love you.”
“It’s okay! You love me now and I couldn’t be happier than this.”
The next few minutes spent by them not talking and let the comfortable silence filled the room they shared together before Donghae broke the silence, “Hyuk…” she called first once again.
“Don’t you ever think that - to other people - when you love your friend, you will come to this state?”
“It depends… on how you love them and what kind of love you have for them.” Eunhyuk answered as he cradled her face and caressed her hair lovingly, “…on how you bear the pain and how much courage you have to tell them that you love them.”
“It doesn’t easy to love your own friend than to just love a person… because you are very aware of how those things separated in a big difference. However, you can never compare the beauty of it with anything else… when you love your friend…”
With that, Donghae slowly slept in Eunhyuk’s embrace. In her friend’s arms, in her friend’s love. It didn’t easy to love your friend but the beauty of it could make you forget that when you love your friend there were many wounds you had to bear but the love itself could endure it despite how much pain it might cost.
When you love your friend; End.
[09] When You Love Your Friend
Title: When You Love Your Friend
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Sungmin. (slight!Yesung/Ryeowook)
Rating: PG-13
Current Music: Super Junior - It's You (Rearranged)
Words: 5,450
Chapter 8
Eunhyuk woke up when his alarm rang on the bedside table. He tried to reach for it to turn it off but with arms full of Donghae, he couldn’t make it. However, the woman that still naked beside him also heard that and woke up slightly. She reached to her left side and searched for the alarm blindly and then frowned when she didn’t found the alarm where it should be. Suddenly the alarm stopped and she heard a light chuckle after that.
Donghae turned to the sound and found Eunhyuk staring at her with a grin on his face, “the alarm is here.” He said, amused by Donghae’s expression.
“Ohh? R-right.” Suddenly blush covered her face when she knows in what state she and Eunhyuk were. She thought last night was just a dream like another dream she used to have, but this was real. It wasn’t wrong, right? Sleep with your best friend like this. You love each other after all.
“You like a statue just motionless like that. Come here!” Eunhyuk pulled her to him and huddled her shoulder. She melted immediately into his embrace then made herself comfortable by clinging to his side.
Donghae remembered something, “where’s my phone?” she asked. Eunhyuk just shrugged, “maybe you left it in your house…” he answered.
“And what time is it, by the way?”
“Six in the morning…”
“You wake up at six everyday now?” she asked as she cuddled closer to Eunhyuk’s warmth.
Eunhyuk chuckled to that because he knows that she knew that he was the laziest of lazy person she ever met, at least it was what she used to call him, “yeah, because I have morning class at 8 or if there’s nothing I will jog around the park.”
“You jog??” she sounded surprise at the statement and laughed hard.
“Yah! How do you think I gained this body?!” he shook her shoulder to stop her laughter.
Donghae finally stopped laughing and sat up, “okay… if we keep do this, I’ll be late to Ryeowook’s wedding…” she searched the oversized shirt she wore last night on the floor and wore it as soon as she found it, “I have to go home first to get my dress.” She said as Eunhyuk was looking for something on his bed, “what are you looking for?”
“My phone.”
“Search outside!” she ordered and Eunhyuk complied after fixing his pants.
When Eunhyuk went to his living room, Donghae wandered around the bedroom. This was her first time on here and last night she was just too engrossed with what she did with Eunhyuk. She spotted it, his picture with Sungmin, there were two of it in front of the window with sculpted candle in the middle and fake flowers on each side of the frame. It was really romantic and romantic was her thing, maybe Sungmin had the same interest with her. Maybe that’s why Eunhyuk chose Sungmin when she’s not there.
She suddenly remembered what Ryeowook told her about Sungmin. Part of her wanted to tell Eunhyuk about that but maybe it would be better if Eunhyuk knew it by himself. He had promised her that he would break up with Sungmin soon because Sungmin didn’t deserve to not be loved, he said. Donghae felt slight pity to their relationship, they actually looked good together but – eventhough she’s the reason of it – it wouldn’t work if their love didn’t pure for each other. She didn’t know why Sungmin would have another man when she had had Eunhyuk already. It might be that she was actually a bitch but Donghae didn’t want to come to that conclusion yet before she knew the truth behind Sungmin, Eunhyuk also didn’t deserve this.
Talking about Eunhyuk, she didn’t notice that Eunhyuk was staring at her while she looked at his and Sungmin’s picture. It made him realize that there still a loose end to this relationship. Anyway, eventhough there would be so much pain, he had to do this. Everyone should have a happy ending and he’d sure that Sungmin would get hers soon.
“Do you have to go back to your apartment?” Eunhyuk said, startling her from her own thought.
“Oh, yeah… my dress is there.”
“I’ll drive you, then…” he offered.
Donghae frowned, didn’t he supposed to go with his ‘official’ girlfriend? Not with his best friend-turned-out-soon-to-be-girlfriend whom he slept with. “You don’t go to the reception with Sungmin?”
Eunhyuk scratched his head as he stared at his cellphone, “I don’t know, but she said that we should just meet at the reception… she has something to do, I guess.”
Donghae sighed then, “okay… but I have to be ready before nine, so how about shower in my place?” she offered.
Eunhyuk gave her a michieveous smirk as he grabbed a random shirt, “if I take it with you, okay then!”
Donghae rolled her eyes and walked past him as Eunhyuk took his suit from the closet, “Just… let’s go!” she tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.
In the different bedroom, a young woman woke up with a start as she heard someone showering. Slowly she sat up on the bed and waiting for that someone to walk out of the bathroom. She glanced at the clock above the door and it told her that they still had 2 hours left to go. A beep sound came from her cellphone startled her and when she reached for it, the phone showed her for a message had been delivered. It was last night’s message. She sighed in both relief and anxious of how the other would respond to the message. Maybe he would reply or called back, so she held the phone in her hands tightly. But even until someone on the bathroom walked out, the phone kept silent.
“You’re awake.” He stated and she nodded in reply.
“When you come home, Kyu?” she asked as he put a plain shirt over his head. She remembered that last night Kyuhyun had had a phone call from his friend, said that the friend was in an emergency situation and she had fallen asleep on his bed before he got to come back home.
Kyuhyun turned to her, “I actually didn’t go for a long time, but when I’m back you’re already asleep…” he said and she only nodded her head again, “did you know where I go, Min?”
Sungmin frowned and titled her head to the side, confused with his question, “where’d you go?”
“Lee Donghae’s apartment…” he answered flatly but it’s enough to make Sungmin gasped in shock. Because that name had been her biggest fear for the past weeks, that name could make her heart stopped but at the next moment beating so fast. It was ridiculous when she realized how the name could affect her. It was just a name for good sake.
“I knew it!” Kyuhyun stated after focusing on Sungmin’s face and then returned to buttoning-up his shirt, “you still afraid of her, don’t you?”
Sungmin stared at him with a frown on her beautiful face, she heard the last sentence Kyuhyun said but her mind was thinking about why Kyuhyun went to Lee Donghae’s apartment at night, “I’m not…” she tried to calm herself down and cleanse her mind from Lee Donghae being her biggest fear, because it’s going to be over soon, “by the way, why you went there?”
“Seemed like Kibum tried to get his ex-girlfriend’s heart back but the girl has given it to someone else and last night, a bloody event happened.” He walked to a chair where he put a black vest and tie, Sungmin followed every move her love make. Is he… her love…? “…and she ran away from him to God knows where, left him unconcious with blood on his head for hours in her apartment with the door opened…” he continued before ended it with a sigh and a shook on his head, “can you imagine that? He’s being hit by the heel of a stiletto!” he tried to put the tie on his shirt but failed because of too much talking, so Sungmin swayed to him and helped him to tie it, “…but maybe it’s better than being hit by a hairdryer.”
Sungmin froze and then narrowed her eyes at him, “it didn’t even poke your skin!”. It was probably 2 or 3 years ago when they fought in the morning and Sungmin couldn’t take it anymore then the hairdryer flew unknowingly from her hand, fortunately Kyuhyun ducked in time so it smashed against the wall behind him.
“But if it did, my skin would be bruised then…” he smirked. Sungmin tapped him lightly on the chest before continuing to help him with the vest, “don’t you have to be ready now?” he asked. Sungmin looked up at him and sighed.
This was the time for her if she wanted to have a normal life again and be happy with it, but there would be pain, someone would hurt and that thought made Sungmin had to think about it over again, what is the life she really wanted? Or, who is the love she really wanted?
Kyuhyun knew Sungmin was in a deep thought again. It made him afraid that Sungmin would change her decision to be with him, so he would never let Sungmin think. He pulled Sungmin’s head to be buried in his chest, “don’t think! Please, Sungmin… we want this over, right? Let’s do it! I’m here… I love you no matter what!” she probably could feel that his heart beating not in its usual rhythm as he said those things and a moment later Sungmin relaxed in his embrace before pulling away.
She gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ll be ready.” She stated before tip-toeing to plant a kiss on his lips, “I love you!”
The apartment was like a broken ship. Donghae didn’t really take a notice at her surrounding when she just ran away last night. The pillow on her couch scaterred around the floor in the same fate with the stilleto she used to hit Kibum’s head. Her coffee table also angled from its usual place.
Eunhyuk gasped when he took a look around the apartment. He couldn’t imagine what that crazy man did to Donghae last night and it made him dejected, “are you sure he didn’t hurt you? Hit you? Kicked you? Because your place looked like there was a fight happening here!”
“It was! I put up a fight of course. I didn’t want to be taken against my own will. Beside, how do you think I could escape with just give myself up?” Donghae stated as she started to put the pillow on its place at the couch. “But I’m relieved that he didn’t forget to close the door!”
Eunhyuk hummed in agreement. He helped Donghae with the dining room and her side table where the vases had been flipped over, “what I’m relieved is that he doesn’t stay here until the morning come!” he said, his tone was high, it’s obvious that he was still angry to this Kibum guy. “If I happened to meet this guy, I will…” he scowled to himself with a hiss but Donghae could hear it.
“You will what?” she sounded amused at her best friend behavior. Always tried to be a possesive bastard but he would never be able to do that. He’s too nice for a human being.
“I will absolutely take a revenge on him!”
Donghae just chuckled silently and after putting all the things on its place she walked to Eunhyuk’s side, “you know what? He will be a groomsman at the reception so you definitely will meet him.” She stated before taking a bottle of water from the fridge, “let’s see what you can do!” and she walked off to her room.
“That’s my chance then!” He exclaimed before following her. Inside her room he had to be faced with Donghae’s naked back. It made him gulped and froze in his place on the doorway until Donghae glanced over her shoulder to look at Eunhyuk.
“Shower?” she asked and he’s the one who dragged Donghae to the bathroom instead.
It’s 8.30 in the morning and Donghae finally get her hair done. After 30 minutes of showering and the activity they did in the shower they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. They giggled everytime they act like a horny teenager when the truth is they weren’t one anymore. This was the time for them to think about life and how they would put love into something more convincing for their life together, to think about forever because it wasn’t only some puppy love that they felt tentatively.
However, maybe they hadn’t thought about something like that yet. They just intertwined their fate together last night and to think about forever is too early for them both, but Eunhyuk couldn’t get his thought out of it. To think about spending the rest of his life with this woman he knew for more than 20 years was his daily reminder. Never in his life after he realized that he’s in love with his own best friend, he thought about marrying another woman.
Ten years of pent up love was enough for Eunhyuk for not standing beside his beloved one and now it was the last thing he wanted in his life. He could never imagine again Donghae get out of his life. She was his right now and she would be his for his entire life from now on.
“I’m ready!” Donghae exclaimed in front of Eunhyuk’s face, made him startled from his musing and almost spilling the coffee he held.
“Woah… you don’t have to yell!” he scolded and proceeding to put the mug on the sink.
Donghae hissed, “it’s because I’ve said that from minutes ago…” she sighed annoyingly before walking to the coffee table and grabbed her purse. Donghae sighed again when she looked up at him and the man just standing still and just staring back at her, “yah, you! I don’t want to be late, so hurry…!”
She’s so stunningly beautiful eventhough she was just wearing a simple baby blue dress with thin strap and pearl necklace circling on her slender neck. She bunned her hair and left the long bangs curl in front of her face. Finally Eunhyuk approached her form whose left hand was on the left side of her waist, looking so bossy like she used to be when they were at junior high, ordered him around whenever she was too tired with something. He missed those times when they only friends, only concerned about being teenager, playing around like there was no tomorrow and he would freely hugged her from different sides because he didn’t worry about how broken it would be if she knew that there was purpose behind those hugs for she didn’t feel the same way.
“You’re beautiful…” he trailed off as he cradled her face on his hands. Donghae’s annoying expression changed when she stared into those black pupils and saw the thing that she never saw before or never realized, because in her mind she remembered that she had looked into the same eyes before but didn’t know what it really meant. She blushed when his thumb brushed her cheek and she knew now that the touch made her addicted to it, she couldn’t imagine how she could live without those touches from now on.
Donghae gripped his hand firmly, “let’s get going, babe..” she said with fake sweet voice. Eunhyuk let her go and intertwined their hands before getting out of the house.
“Can we still like this when we get there?” she asked when they walked through the halfway.
Eunhyuk knew what she meant by that, it meant his girlfriend. Because she knew that she’s not supposed to be his date in the party, but he would absolutely end it and at the end of the day, he would be the man of one woman, “I’ll do something about it, don’t worry…” he gave her a reassuring smile before took off with his car to the wedding.
Donghae went to the bride’s room to meet Ryeowook and others while Eunhyuk waited on the seat inside the curch. When Donghae opened the door where her friends must be waiting, she welcomed by a worried expression from her ex-bandmate especially Heechul who immediately run to her and engulfing her in her tight embrace.
“Unggh, unnie… sorry, but I c-can’t breathe!”
Heechul pulled away and checked Donghae from head to toe, “you okay? I told you to call me if something bad happen, right? So why don’t you call me?!” she asked in one go, made Donghae slightly dizzy plus the shake that Heechul gave to her shoulder.
Jessica and the other approached the commotion and pulled Heechul away from the stunned Donghae, “Donghae-unnie… are you okay?” Jessica asked.
Donghae smiled to each of them and nodded, “of course I’m okay, why should I be?”
“So where were you last night? Your phone was off, I tried to call your apartment and nobody answer it.” Heechul sighed, “I thought Kibum did something bad to you.”
“No, don’t worry… I’m okay, really. If not I won’t be here right now, right?” she tried her best to assure the girls.
They sighed in relief and then Donghae turned to Ryeowook who watched her from afar and it was obvious that the girl was too nervous with her own case to get a hand with another case. Donghae smiled before approaching her who stood in front of the mirror, “Ryeowookie, you’re so beautiful, I’m sure that your soon-to-be-husband will satisfy with how you look right now!” she said to make the younger girl’s frown dissapear.
Ryeowook exhaled deeply as if she had held her breath all this time, “thank you, unnie!”
“Okay, we don’t want the bride to be late, so we got to move now!” Taeyeon exclaimed to all the people present and soon they get into action.
Eunhyuk sat among the guest at the left side’s pew. When he first entered the curch there’s only a few people presence but 30 minutes later it soon occupied with guest. Just before the groom entered the altar, he spotted his girlfriend walked alone in the church corridor and then took a sit at the right side’s pew. Eunhyuk thought for a second to call her or not, but then he remembered that she supposed to be his date here.
He tried to wave at her but Sungmin just focused herself on the groom and the best man that just entered, the groomsman followed behind. He found Sungmin smiled to the front and lightly waved her hand as if hesitate. Eunhyuk turned his head to the front and saw that the best man answered to her smiled. When Eunhyuk started to think about who the man was, the groomsmans also caught his attention. One man he didn’t have an idea of who he is, the second man he knew that he is a dancer at where he works and the other caught his attention because of the light bandage on his forehead, and Eunhyuk remembered the face. That’s the ex.
As Eunhyuk fisted his hand on his thigh while staring at the wounded man beside the altar, the wedding music started to play and everybody in the church turned their head to the entrance and waited for the bride to enter. And there she was with her hand tangling with the man that maybe on his 40-something, but Eunhyuk eyes just landed on the queen for the day just for a second because he couldn’t let his eyes to stared at the woman that wore the baby blue dress bringing a basket of pink petal, and his anger lessened as she spotted him, smiled and waving her hand a little in a cute manner.
He didn’t realize that from the right side on the church pew Sungmin looked at his reaction when one of the bridemaid waved at him, and she just tilted her head when a realization dawned on her.
The audience stood up just before the just-married couple sealed their vow with a sweet kiss and then showering them with applause. When the happy couple passed through the corridor the audience was spreading them with petal they got from the bridemaid. The bridemaid themselves and the groomsman had walked first out of the church and form a line at the stairs in front of the church.
Eunhyuk was the last one to go outside and so did Sungmin, they met halfway. They stared at each other with a sad smile on their lips first but frowned simultanously when the other caught the same expression.
“Hyuk.” “Min.” they said in unison and then an awkward silence filled the church when they were the last person to leave.
“Seems you have something to say?” Eunhyuk offered with a smile.
Sungmin just nodded and stared at the ground as if it was her partner to talk right now, not different with Eunhyuk, he also wandered his eyes to anywhere but Sungmin. It seemed like they were trying to build up the courage so their intention for today didn’t canceled just because they looked at each other eyes for that was the hardest thing to see those eyes didn’t have a shine anymore.
“Can we…” Sungmin started, and Eunhyuk looked at her who looked back at him, she inhaled before continuing, “can we meet later at the party? because I-I have someone for you to meet also.”
Eventhough Eunhyuk confused to what she said, he agreed to it, “okay… because I have too.”
“Okay. Uhmm.. see you later..” and she strode off the church without looking back at him, and he realized that not that simple to just said ‘can we break up?”
Donghae found Eunhyuk when he just entered the party at the garden. She slowly approached him but stopped halfway when Kibum also slowly walked towards her without him knowing that she was in the middle of walking to someone.
“We have to talk.” Kibum said with fake soft voice when he neared her with a proximity one person could get in between.
She sighed unnoticedly, “I don’t wanna!” she stated firmly, tried not to be heard by people around them.
Hearing that, Kibum snapped. He got emotional again with thid stubborn girl he knew so well but he had to control himself right now, “we have to settle things between us!” he gritted his teeth as he said that.
For once, Donghae looked up at him, “what must we settle? We’re over, if that you wanted to hear!” she said confidently.
“What?!” Kibum raised his voice but didn’t loud enough, “You—”
“Excuse me!”
Kibum’s sentence was cut off by that voice behind him and Donghae saw Eunhyuk stood there behind Kibum with anger all over his face and fist ready to fly. Seeing that, Donghae immediately pulled Eunhyuk towards her and tried to calm him by tangling her hand with his.
The ex-boyfriend seemed notice the relationship between Donghae and this man, so he narrowed his eyes and rap out a bitter chuckled, “this is the guy, right? This is the guy who makes you go away from me?!”
“If yes, what would you do about it?” Eunhyuk towered Kibum and now they changed a glare towards each other.
Kibum smirked, “oh, I absolutely will do something with it because this girl is mine!”
“As I heard not a minute ago that she said it was over between you two, so I object to what you say!” Eunhyuk said confidently.
Donghae couldn’t take this any further – because he saw that the two men had prepared each fist to throw soon – slipped between the Eunhyuk and Kibum, “please, don’t do this here, this is our friends happy day, so don’t make a commotion!”
“Hyuk!” the soft voice called and the three of them turned their head to the source of the voice. There was Sungmin and Kyuhyun looked at them with a frown on their face.
“Can we talk now?” she said while fumbling with her bag strap.
Before answering, Eunhyuk stared at the man beside his girlfriend and he remembered that he was the best man from before, “oh… alright, where?”
“Let’s find some place comfortable…” Sungmin said with a breath in a single word she said.
Eunhyuk nodded and Sungmin started to walk with that bestman following her, “Hae, come with me!” he pulled Donghae to follow Sungmin.
“Hey, I’m not done yet!” Kibum yelled but the two ignored him.
Sungmin was a bit surprised when she saw Donghae following behind Eunhyuk. She stood up immediately and Kyuhyun did the same. They found a little garden inside a green house and in the middle of it is a single table between two long bench faced one another. It was empty, so maybe they could talk properly. Kyuhyun had choosen that place by the way.
The four of them sat without any words. For Kyuhyun and Donghae, they just had to wait for the couple to solve their case and eventhough they were the one of reasons Eunhyuk and Sungmin had to face a problem, it would be rude to just barge in their conversation.
“So I thought you had known from Donghae-ssi.” Sungmin stated as she looked up to met Eunhyuk’s eyes.
“Huh…?” Eunhyuk confused with what his girlfriend said, but he nonetheless turned to his bestfriend for an explanation, “what did I should know from you?” but Donghae just shrugged.
“She didn’t?!” Sungmin seemed surprised from Eunhyuk’s answer and Eunhyuk just shook his head indicating he didn’t know anything. He lost for words, what’s happening in here? Why Sungmin acted this way when the one who should was him? It seemed like life was being twisted in front of him right now.
“Hyuk… this is Kyuhyun.” She finally introduced the guy to him and he turned his head to the guy who looked back at him. “He is my boyfriend.” Sungmin continued.
Eunhyuk was the one who looked dumb-founded in that garden after hearing that statement. His eyes were wide from surprise and his mouth was speechless. He wasn’t shock by the fact that Sungmin cheated on him but by the fact that she also did the same with what he does, was this a coincidence or…
“He’s w-what?” he managed to say although it wasn’t what he wanted to actually say.
Sungmin shut his eyes tight, she knew what would come, what Eunhyuk’s reaction to this and she and Kyuhyun had prepared their heart for what coming next. Selfish maybe, because they didn’t care about what the other heart might be, but they had to end this. “He’s my boyfriend… before you… I’m sorry…” she finally answered and looked Eunhyuk straight in the eyes. Their eyes met but it seemed those charm had finally broken because they now couldn’t read what written in each other eyes. Was it sad or betrayed in Eunhyuk’s eyes ? Sungmin thought – because it was what she prepared for; how to endure his sadness – but she couldn’t really find it. It was more like shock, only it.
Eunhyuk took a deep breath before turned to Donghae who silently sat beside him and had her head down, “you knew this?” he asked and Donghae startled then turned her head to look up at Eunhyuk. She just nodded and Eunhyuk continued, “why didn’t you tell me?” his voice was calm and didn’t judge. When he received no answer, he sighed and called her with the same tone, “Hae…”
“What?” Donghae started and also sighed, “look Hyuk, I don’t think it was a good idea to tell you before hand, I’m just an intruder in your relationship, this is your and Sungmin’s life, so I don’t want you and other people to think that I’m the one who cause you both to be in an unstable relationship.”
After that, the four of them fell into an awkward silence for a few seconds but it was broken with Eunhyuk’s voice, “I’m sorry…” he started, when everyone present all looked at him, he continued, “Min…” and looked her in the eyes again. Eunhyuk reached for her hands that still fumbling with her bag strap and pulled it above the table, “I love you…” he said and it made Donghae turned to him in a quick motion but still looked collected. “I love you,” Eunhyuk continued, “but not in the way like I love someone else, I never could- can love someone else more than I love her, but I do care about you… how can I not, after you ever fill my empty heart with your own..” he smiled genuinely to her before took a side glance to Kyuhyun, “eventhough that I didn’t know whether it was fake or-”
“No, Hyuk!” Sungmin interjected, tears now slowly falling from her eyes, “it wasn’t fake, I ever gave you my heart sincerely eventhough it wasn’t whole. I was also empty, then we filled each other and my life couldn’t be brighter if it wasn’t you who was with me when I felt so fed up with my life,” she glanced towards Kyuhyun, “…and love.”
Eunhyuk and Sungmin smiled to each other and a sigh of relief come out from their heart, “thank you for whatever you give to me, it means everything…” Eunhyuk said softly. Sungmin also murmured the same and they caress each other’s hands. The other two at the garden also smiled to themselves.
“Hyuk… don’t you upset or feel betrayed with me for cheating on you?” Sungmin asked in a light tone.
Eunhyuk looked at her and then just chuckled, “shouldn’t you ask him instead?” he asked back as he pointed his chin to Kyuhyun, “and… it seemed like I should ask you for the same question.”
Sungmin tilted her head in confusion, “what do you mean?”
Eunhyuk retreated his hands from Sungmin and grabbed Donghae’s right hand with his left, “I told you just now that there’s this girl I love so much to the point that I can’t love anyone else in this world, never… that’s what I also sorry for, I cheated on you as from… last night. Eventhough my heart always cheated on you since the first time I laid my eyes on you, but I can finally have her now after 10 years I’ve been keeping this a secret from everyone.” Eunhyuk looked at Donghae lovingly and she returned that look.
Sungmin burrowed her eyes and then she and Kyuhyun exchanged a glance, “are you two together now?” she managed to ask eventhough she had known the answer.
“Yes… sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you first and just ask Donghae to be with me,” he said genuinely.
Sungmin chuckled, “it’s not like I will strangle you two for having affair behind my back,” she smiled to Eunhyuk, “thank you, Hyuk… for understanding me, you really are a good person and a perfect boyfriend,” she earned a look from Kyuhyun by that, “of course you’re always perfect for me,” she said to Kyuhyun, and continued with a whisper, “only for me though.”
After they settled things between them, it was easier for them to let everything out, they told each other what had been happening with their own love life and it was easy to accept because they were happy for they got their true love. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun been introduced formally and soon they become friends also. They promised each other to not forget the past because it what make them like this. It was beautiful, even the pain and the hurt because you couldn’t find it anywhere else and it was a waste to just threw it away. However, the future waited ahead, it would come unknowingly and you should anticipate it. We won’t know that maybe the future will be so much better, brighter and more beautiful.
Outside the garden, a male couldn’t bear his wounded heart anymore. He decided to give up everything because he realized that he couldn’t have it again. What he had lost never come to him again, so what the difference between those things and this one. With heavy steps, he left the garden and the love he’d been keeping for years and never let it loose even for once, but the love itself had gone and left him alone, so why bother to bring it back? and why bother to live again?
A/N 2 I really want this to come to an end soon, just said this is my apology for not updating for about a month.
A/N 3 Check also the epilogue… I intend to post the epilogue tomorrow but… just get it on, this story has come to an end though^^
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Sungmin. (slight!Yesung/Ryeowook)
Rating: PG-13
Current Music: Super Junior - It's You (Rearranged)
Words: 5,450
Chapter 8
Eunhyuk woke up when his alarm rang on the bedside table. He tried to reach for it to turn it off but with arms full of Donghae, he couldn’t make it. However, the woman that still naked beside him also heard that and woke up slightly. She reached to her left side and searched for the alarm blindly and then frowned when she didn’t found the alarm where it should be. Suddenly the alarm stopped and she heard a light chuckle after that.
Donghae turned to the sound and found Eunhyuk staring at her with a grin on his face, “the alarm is here.” He said, amused by Donghae’s expression.
“Ohh? R-right.” Suddenly blush covered her face when she knows in what state she and Eunhyuk were. She thought last night was just a dream like another dream she used to have, but this was real. It wasn’t wrong, right? Sleep with your best friend like this. You love each other after all.
“You like a statue just motionless like that. Come here!” Eunhyuk pulled her to him and huddled her shoulder. She melted immediately into his embrace then made herself comfortable by clinging to his side.
Donghae remembered something, “where’s my phone?” she asked. Eunhyuk just shrugged, “maybe you left it in your house…” he answered.
“And what time is it, by the way?”
“Six in the morning…”
“You wake up at six everyday now?” she asked as she cuddled closer to Eunhyuk’s warmth.
Eunhyuk chuckled to that because he knows that she knew that he was the laziest of lazy person she ever met, at least it was what she used to call him, “yeah, because I have morning class at 8 or if there’s nothing I will jog around the park.”
“You jog??” she sounded surprise at the statement and laughed hard.
“Yah! How do you think I gained this body?!” he shook her shoulder to stop her laughter.
Donghae finally stopped laughing and sat up, “okay… if we keep do this, I’ll be late to Ryeowook’s wedding…” she searched the oversized shirt she wore last night on the floor and wore it as soon as she found it, “I have to go home first to get my dress.” She said as Eunhyuk was looking for something on his bed, “what are you looking for?”
“My phone.”
“Search outside!” she ordered and Eunhyuk complied after fixing his pants.
When Eunhyuk went to his living room, Donghae wandered around the bedroom. This was her first time on here and last night she was just too engrossed with what she did with Eunhyuk. She spotted it, his picture with Sungmin, there were two of it in front of the window with sculpted candle in the middle and fake flowers on each side of the frame. It was really romantic and romantic was her thing, maybe Sungmin had the same interest with her. Maybe that’s why Eunhyuk chose Sungmin when she’s not there.
She suddenly remembered what Ryeowook told her about Sungmin. Part of her wanted to tell Eunhyuk about that but maybe it would be better if Eunhyuk knew it by himself. He had promised her that he would break up with Sungmin soon because Sungmin didn’t deserve to not be loved, he said. Donghae felt slight pity to their relationship, they actually looked good together but – eventhough she’s the reason of it – it wouldn’t work if their love didn’t pure for each other. She didn’t know why Sungmin would have another man when she had had Eunhyuk already. It might be that she was actually a bitch but Donghae didn’t want to come to that conclusion yet before she knew the truth behind Sungmin, Eunhyuk also didn’t deserve this.
Talking about Eunhyuk, she didn’t notice that Eunhyuk was staring at her while she looked at his and Sungmin’s picture. It made him realize that there still a loose end to this relationship. Anyway, eventhough there would be so much pain, he had to do this. Everyone should have a happy ending and he’d sure that Sungmin would get hers soon.
“Do you have to go back to your apartment?” Eunhyuk said, startling her from her own thought.
“Oh, yeah… my dress is there.”
“I’ll drive you, then…” he offered.
Donghae frowned, didn’t he supposed to go with his ‘official’ girlfriend? Not with his best friend-turned-out-soon-to-be-girlfriend whom he slept with. “You don’t go to the reception with Sungmin?”
Eunhyuk scratched his head as he stared at his cellphone, “I don’t know, but she said that we should just meet at the reception… she has something to do, I guess.”
Donghae sighed then, “okay… but I have to be ready before nine, so how about shower in my place?” she offered.
Eunhyuk gave her a michieveous smirk as he grabbed a random shirt, “if I take it with you, okay then!”
Donghae rolled her eyes and walked past him as Eunhyuk took his suit from the closet, “Just… let’s go!” she tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.
In the different bedroom, a young woman woke up with a start as she heard someone showering. Slowly she sat up on the bed and waiting for that someone to walk out of the bathroom. She glanced at the clock above the door and it told her that they still had 2 hours left to go. A beep sound came from her cellphone startled her and when she reached for it, the phone showed her for a message had been delivered. It was last night’s message. She sighed in both relief and anxious of how the other would respond to the message. Maybe he would reply or called back, so she held the phone in her hands tightly. But even until someone on the bathroom walked out, the phone kept silent.
“You’re awake.” He stated and she nodded in reply.
“When you come home, Kyu?” she asked as he put a plain shirt over his head. She remembered that last night Kyuhyun had had a phone call from his friend, said that the friend was in an emergency situation and she had fallen asleep on his bed before he got to come back home.
Kyuhyun turned to her, “I actually didn’t go for a long time, but when I’m back you’re already asleep…” he said and she only nodded her head again, “did you know where I go, Min?”
Sungmin frowned and titled her head to the side, confused with his question, “where’d you go?”
“Lee Donghae’s apartment…” he answered flatly but it’s enough to make Sungmin gasped in shock. Because that name had been her biggest fear for the past weeks, that name could make her heart stopped but at the next moment beating so fast. It was ridiculous when she realized how the name could affect her. It was just a name for good sake.
“I knew it!” Kyuhyun stated after focusing on Sungmin’s face and then returned to buttoning-up his shirt, “you still afraid of her, don’t you?”
Sungmin stared at him with a frown on her beautiful face, she heard the last sentence Kyuhyun said but her mind was thinking about why Kyuhyun went to Lee Donghae’s apartment at night, “I’m not…” she tried to calm herself down and cleanse her mind from Lee Donghae being her biggest fear, because it’s going to be over soon, “by the way, why you went there?”
“Seemed like Kibum tried to get his ex-girlfriend’s heart back but the girl has given it to someone else and last night, a bloody event happened.” He walked to a chair where he put a black vest and tie, Sungmin followed every move her love make. Is he… her love…? “…and she ran away from him to God knows where, left him unconcious with blood on his head for hours in her apartment with the door opened…” he continued before ended it with a sigh and a shook on his head, “can you imagine that? He’s being hit by the heel of a stiletto!” he tried to put the tie on his shirt but failed because of too much talking, so Sungmin swayed to him and helped him to tie it, “…but maybe it’s better than being hit by a hairdryer.”
Sungmin froze and then narrowed her eyes at him, “it didn’t even poke your skin!”. It was probably 2 or 3 years ago when they fought in the morning and Sungmin couldn’t take it anymore then the hairdryer flew unknowingly from her hand, fortunately Kyuhyun ducked in time so it smashed against the wall behind him.
“But if it did, my skin would be bruised then…” he smirked. Sungmin tapped him lightly on the chest before continuing to help him with the vest, “don’t you have to be ready now?” he asked. Sungmin looked up at him and sighed.
This was the time for her if she wanted to have a normal life again and be happy with it, but there would be pain, someone would hurt and that thought made Sungmin had to think about it over again, what is the life she really wanted? Or, who is the love she really wanted?
Kyuhyun knew Sungmin was in a deep thought again. It made him afraid that Sungmin would change her decision to be with him, so he would never let Sungmin think. He pulled Sungmin’s head to be buried in his chest, “don’t think! Please, Sungmin… we want this over, right? Let’s do it! I’m here… I love you no matter what!” she probably could feel that his heart beating not in its usual rhythm as he said those things and a moment later Sungmin relaxed in his embrace before pulling away.
She gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ll be ready.” She stated before tip-toeing to plant a kiss on his lips, “I love you!”
The apartment was like a broken ship. Donghae didn’t really take a notice at her surrounding when she just ran away last night. The pillow on her couch scaterred around the floor in the same fate with the stilleto she used to hit Kibum’s head. Her coffee table also angled from its usual place.
Eunhyuk gasped when he took a look around the apartment. He couldn’t imagine what that crazy man did to Donghae last night and it made him dejected, “are you sure he didn’t hurt you? Hit you? Kicked you? Because your place looked like there was a fight happening here!”
“It was! I put up a fight of course. I didn’t want to be taken against my own will. Beside, how do you think I could escape with just give myself up?” Donghae stated as she started to put the pillow on its place at the couch. “But I’m relieved that he didn’t forget to close the door!”
Eunhyuk hummed in agreement. He helped Donghae with the dining room and her side table where the vases had been flipped over, “what I’m relieved is that he doesn’t stay here until the morning come!” he said, his tone was high, it’s obvious that he was still angry to this Kibum guy. “If I happened to meet this guy, I will…” he scowled to himself with a hiss but Donghae could hear it.
“You will what?” she sounded amused at her best friend behavior. Always tried to be a possesive bastard but he would never be able to do that. He’s too nice for a human being.
“I will absolutely take a revenge on him!”
Donghae just chuckled silently and after putting all the things on its place she walked to Eunhyuk’s side, “you know what? He will be a groomsman at the reception so you definitely will meet him.” She stated before taking a bottle of water from the fridge, “let’s see what you can do!” and she walked off to her room.
“That’s my chance then!” He exclaimed before following her. Inside her room he had to be faced with Donghae’s naked back. It made him gulped and froze in his place on the doorway until Donghae glanced over her shoulder to look at Eunhyuk.
“Shower?” she asked and he’s the one who dragged Donghae to the bathroom instead.
It’s 8.30 in the morning and Donghae finally get her hair done. After 30 minutes of showering and the activity they did in the shower they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. They giggled everytime they act like a horny teenager when the truth is they weren’t one anymore. This was the time for them to think about life and how they would put love into something more convincing for their life together, to think about forever because it wasn’t only some puppy love that they felt tentatively.
However, maybe they hadn’t thought about something like that yet. They just intertwined their fate together last night and to think about forever is too early for them both, but Eunhyuk couldn’t get his thought out of it. To think about spending the rest of his life with this woman he knew for more than 20 years was his daily reminder. Never in his life after he realized that he’s in love with his own best friend, he thought about marrying another woman.
Ten years of pent up love was enough for Eunhyuk for not standing beside his beloved one and now it was the last thing he wanted in his life. He could never imagine again Donghae get out of his life. She was his right now and she would be his for his entire life from now on.
“I’m ready!” Donghae exclaimed in front of Eunhyuk’s face, made him startled from his musing and almost spilling the coffee he held.
“Woah… you don’t have to yell!” he scolded and proceeding to put the mug on the sink.
Donghae hissed, “it’s because I’ve said that from minutes ago…” she sighed annoyingly before walking to the coffee table and grabbed her purse. Donghae sighed again when she looked up at him and the man just standing still and just staring back at her, “yah, you! I don’t want to be late, so hurry…!”
She’s so stunningly beautiful eventhough she was just wearing a simple baby blue dress with thin strap and pearl necklace circling on her slender neck. She bunned her hair and left the long bangs curl in front of her face. Finally Eunhyuk approached her form whose left hand was on the left side of her waist, looking so bossy like she used to be when they were at junior high, ordered him around whenever she was too tired with something. He missed those times when they only friends, only concerned about being teenager, playing around like there was no tomorrow and he would freely hugged her from different sides because he didn’t worry about how broken it would be if she knew that there was purpose behind those hugs for she didn’t feel the same way.
“You’re beautiful…” he trailed off as he cradled her face on his hands. Donghae’s annoying expression changed when she stared into those black pupils and saw the thing that she never saw before or never realized, because in her mind she remembered that she had looked into the same eyes before but didn’t know what it really meant. She blushed when his thumb brushed her cheek and she knew now that the touch made her addicted to it, she couldn’t imagine how she could live without those touches from now on.
Donghae gripped his hand firmly, “let’s get going, babe..” she said with fake sweet voice. Eunhyuk let her go and intertwined their hands before getting out of the house.
“Can we still like this when we get there?” she asked when they walked through the halfway.
Eunhyuk knew what she meant by that, it meant his girlfriend. Because she knew that she’s not supposed to be his date in the party, but he would absolutely end it and at the end of the day, he would be the man of one woman, “I’ll do something about it, don’t worry…” he gave her a reassuring smile before took off with his car to the wedding.
Donghae went to the bride’s room to meet Ryeowook and others while Eunhyuk waited on the seat inside the curch. When Donghae opened the door where her friends must be waiting, she welcomed by a worried expression from her ex-bandmate especially Heechul who immediately run to her and engulfing her in her tight embrace.
“Unggh, unnie… sorry, but I c-can’t breathe!”
Heechul pulled away and checked Donghae from head to toe, “you okay? I told you to call me if something bad happen, right? So why don’t you call me?!” she asked in one go, made Donghae slightly dizzy plus the shake that Heechul gave to her shoulder.
Jessica and the other approached the commotion and pulled Heechul away from the stunned Donghae, “Donghae-unnie… are you okay?” Jessica asked.
Donghae smiled to each of them and nodded, “of course I’m okay, why should I be?”
“So where were you last night? Your phone was off, I tried to call your apartment and nobody answer it.” Heechul sighed, “I thought Kibum did something bad to you.”
“No, don’t worry… I’m okay, really. If not I won’t be here right now, right?” she tried her best to assure the girls.
They sighed in relief and then Donghae turned to Ryeowook who watched her from afar and it was obvious that the girl was too nervous with her own case to get a hand with another case. Donghae smiled before approaching her who stood in front of the mirror, “Ryeowookie, you’re so beautiful, I’m sure that your soon-to-be-husband will satisfy with how you look right now!” she said to make the younger girl’s frown dissapear.
Ryeowook exhaled deeply as if she had held her breath all this time, “thank you, unnie!”
“Okay, we don’t want the bride to be late, so we got to move now!” Taeyeon exclaimed to all the people present and soon they get into action.
Eunhyuk sat among the guest at the left side’s pew. When he first entered the curch there’s only a few people presence but 30 minutes later it soon occupied with guest. Just before the groom entered the altar, he spotted his girlfriend walked alone in the church corridor and then took a sit at the right side’s pew. Eunhyuk thought for a second to call her or not, but then he remembered that she supposed to be his date here.
He tried to wave at her but Sungmin just focused herself on the groom and the best man that just entered, the groomsman followed behind. He found Sungmin smiled to the front and lightly waved her hand as if hesitate. Eunhyuk turned his head to the front and saw that the best man answered to her smiled. When Eunhyuk started to think about who the man was, the groomsmans also caught his attention. One man he didn’t have an idea of who he is, the second man he knew that he is a dancer at where he works and the other caught his attention because of the light bandage on his forehead, and Eunhyuk remembered the face. That’s the ex.
As Eunhyuk fisted his hand on his thigh while staring at the wounded man beside the altar, the wedding music started to play and everybody in the church turned their head to the entrance and waited for the bride to enter. And there she was with her hand tangling with the man that maybe on his 40-something, but Eunhyuk eyes just landed on the queen for the day just for a second because he couldn’t let his eyes to stared at the woman that wore the baby blue dress bringing a basket of pink petal, and his anger lessened as she spotted him, smiled and waving her hand a little in a cute manner.
He didn’t realize that from the right side on the church pew Sungmin looked at his reaction when one of the bridemaid waved at him, and she just tilted her head when a realization dawned on her.
The audience stood up just before the just-married couple sealed their vow with a sweet kiss and then showering them with applause. When the happy couple passed through the corridor the audience was spreading them with petal they got from the bridemaid. The bridemaid themselves and the groomsman had walked first out of the church and form a line at the stairs in front of the church.
Eunhyuk was the last one to go outside and so did Sungmin, they met halfway. They stared at each other with a sad smile on their lips first but frowned simultanously when the other caught the same expression.
“Hyuk.” “Min.” they said in unison and then an awkward silence filled the church when they were the last person to leave.
“Seems you have something to say?” Eunhyuk offered with a smile.
Sungmin just nodded and stared at the ground as if it was her partner to talk right now, not different with Eunhyuk, he also wandered his eyes to anywhere but Sungmin. It seemed like they were trying to build up the courage so their intention for today didn’t canceled just because they looked at each other eyes for that was the hardest thing to see those eyes didn’t have a shine anymore.
“Can we…” Sungmin started, and Eunhyuk looked at her who looked back at him, she inhaled before continuing, “can we meet later at the party? because I-I have someone for you to meet also.”
Eventhough Eunhyuk confused to what she said, he agreed to it, “okay… because I have too.”
“Okay. Uhmm.. see you later..” and she strode off the church without looking back at him, and he realized that not that simple to just said ‘can we break up?”
Donghae found Eunhyuk when he just entered the party at the garden. She slowly approached him but stopped halfway when Kibum also slowly walked towards her without him knowing that she was in the middle of walking to someone.
“We have to talk.” Kibum said with fake soft voice when he neared her with a proximity one person could get in between.
She sighed unnoticedly, “I don’t wanna!” she stated firmly, tried not to be heard by people around them.
Hearing that, Kibum snapped. He got emotional again with thid stubborn girl he knew so well but he had to control himself right now, “we have to settle things between us!” he gritted his teeth as he said that.
For once, Donghae looked up at him, “what must we settle? We’re over, if that you wanted to hear!” she said confidently.
“What?!” Kibum raised his voice but didn’t loud enough, “You—”
“Excuse me!”
Kibum’s sentence was cut off by that voice behind him and Donghae saw Eunhyuk stood there behind Kibum with anger all over his face and fist ready to fly. Seeing that, Donghae immediately pulled Eunhyuk towards her and tried to calm him by tangling her hand with his.
The ex-boyfriend seemed notice the relationship between Donghae and this man, so he narrowed his eyes and rap out a bitter chuckled, “this is the guy, right? This is the guy who makes you go away from me?!”
“If yes, what would you do about it?” Eunhyuk towered Kibum and now they changed a glare towards each other.
Kibum smirked, “oh, I absolutely will do something with it because this girl is mine!”
“As I heard not a minute ago that she said it was over between you two, so I object to what you say!” Eunhyuk said confidently.
Donghae couldn’t take this any further – because he saw that the two men had prepared each fist to throw soon – slipped between the Eunhyuk and Kibum, “please, don’t do this here, this is our friends happy day, so don’t make a commotion!”
“Hyuk!” the soft voice called and the three of them turned their head to the source of the voice. There was Sungmin and Kyuhyun looked at them with a frown on their face.
“Can we talk now?” she said while fumbling with her bag strap.
Before answering, Eunhyuk stared at the man beside his girlfriend and he remembered that he was the best man from before, “oh… alright, where?”
“Let’s find some place comfortable…” Sungmin said with a breath in a single word she said.
Eunhyuk nodded and Sungmin started to walk with that bestman following her, “Hae, come with me!” he pulled Donghae to follow Sungmin.
“Hey, I’m not done yet!” Kibum yelled but the two ignored him.
Sungmin was a bit surprised when she saw Donghae following behind Eunhyuk. She stood up immediately and Kyuhyun did the same. They found a little garden inside a green house and in the middle of it is a single table between two long bench faced one another. It was empty, so maybe they could talk properly. Kyuhyun had choosen that place by the way.
The four of them sat without any words. For Kyuhyun and Donghae, they just had to wait for the couple to solve their case and eventhough they were the one of reasons Eunhyuk and Sungmin had to face a problem, it would be rude to just barge in their conversation.
“So I thought you had known from Donghae-ssi.” Sungmin stated as she looked up to met Eunhyuk’s eyes.
“Huh…?” Eunhyuk confused with what his girlfriend said, but he nonetheless turned to his bestfriend for an explanation, “what did I should know from you?” but Donghae just shrugged.
“She didn’t?!” Sungmin seemed surprised from Eunhyuk’s answer and Eunhyuk just shook his head indicating he didn’t know anything. He lost for words, what’s happening in here? Why Sungmin acted this way when the one who should was him? It seemed like life was being twisted in front of him right now.
“Hyuk… this is Kyuhyun.” She finally introduced the guy to him and he turned his head to the guy who looked back at him. “He is my boyfriend.” Sungmin continued.
Eunhyuk was the one who looked dumb-founded in that garden after hearing that statement. His eyes were wide from surprise and his mouth was speechless. He wasn’t shock by the fact that Sungmin cheated on him but by the fact that she also did the same with what he does, was this a coincidence or…
“He’s w-what?” he managed to say although it wasn’t what he wanted to actually say.
Sungmin shut his eyes tight, she knew what would come, what Eunhyuk’s reaction to this and she and Kyuhyun had prepared their heart for what coming next. Selfish maybe, because they didn’t care about what the other heart might be, but they had to end this. “He’s my boyfriend… before you… I’m sorry…” she finally answered and looked Eunhyuk straight in the eyes. Their eyes met but it seemed those charm had finally broken because they now couldn’t read what written in each other eyes. Was it sad or betrayed in Eunhyuk’s eyes ? Sungmin thought – because it was what she prepared for; how to endure his sadness – but she couldn’t really find it. It was more like shock, only it.
Eunhyuk took a deep breath before turned to Donghae who silently sat beside him and had her head down, “you knew this?” he asked and Donghae startled then turned her head to look up at Eunhyuk. She just nodded and Eunhyuk continued, “why didn’t you tell me?” his voice was calm and didn’t judge. When he received no answer, he sighed and called her with the same tone, “Hae…”
“What?” Donghae started and also sighed, “look Hyuk, I don’t think it was a good idea to tell you before hand, I’m just an intruder in your relationship, this is your and Sungmin’s life, so I don’t want you and other people to think that I’m the one who cause you both to be in an unstable relationship.”
After that, the four of them fell into an awkward silence for a few seconds but it was broken with Eunhyuk’s voice, “I’m sorry…” he started, when everyone present all looked at him, he continued, “Min…” and looked her in the eyes again. Eunhyuk reached for her hands that still fumbling with her bag strap and pulled it above the table, “I love you…” he said and it made Donghae turned to him in a quick motion but still looked collected. “I love you,” Eunhyuk continued, “but not in the way like I love someone else, I never could- can love someone else more than I love her, but I do care about you… how can I not, after you ever fill my empty heart with your own..” he smiled genuinely to her before took a side glance to Kyuhyun, “eventhough that I didn’t know whether it was fake or-”
“No, Hyuk!” Sungmin interjected, tears now slowly falling from her eyes, “it wasn’t fake, I ever gave you my heart sincerely eventhough it wasn’t whole. I was also empty, then we filled each other and my life couldn’t be brighter if it wasn’t you who was with me when I felt so fed up with my life,” she glanced towards Kyuhyun, “…and love.”
Eunhyuk and Sungmin smiled to each other and a sigh of relief come out from their heart, “thank you for whatever you give to me, it means everything…” Eunhyuk said softly. Sungmin also murmured the same and they caress each other’s hands. The other two at the garden also smiled to themselves.
“Hyuk… don’t you upset or feel betrayed with me for cheating on you?” Sungmin asked in a light tone.
Eunhyuk looked at her and then just chuckled, “shouldn’t you ask him instead?” he asked back as he pointed his chin to Kyuhyun, “and… it seemed like I should ask you for the same question.”
Sungmin tilted her head in confusion, “what do you mean?”
Eunhyuk retreated his hands from Sungmin and grabbed Donghae’s right hand with his left, “I told you just now that there’s this girl I love so much to the point that I can’t love anyone else in this world, never… that’s what I also sorry for, I cheated on you as from… last night. Eventhough my heart always cheated on you since the first time I laid my eyes on you, but I can finally have her now after 10 years I’ve been keeping this a secret from everyone.” Eunhyuk looked at Donghae lovingly and she returned that look.
Sungmin burrowed her eyes and then she and Kyuhyun exchanged a glance, “are you two together now?” she managed to ask eventhough she had known the answer.
“Yes… sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you first and just ask Donghae to be with me,” he said genuinely.
Sungmin chuckled, “it’s not like I will strangle you two for having affair behind my back,” she smiled to Eunhyuk, “thank you, Hyuk… for understanding me, you really are a good person and a perfect boyfriend,” she earned a look from Kyuhyun by that, “of course you’re always perfect for me,” she said to Kyuhyun, and continued with a whisper, “only for me though.”
After they settled things between them, it was easier for them to let everything out, they told each other what had been happening with their own love life and it was easy to accept because they were happy for they got their true love. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun been introduced formally and soon they become friends also. They promised each other to not forget the past because it what make them like this. It was beautiful, even the pain and the hurt because you couldn’t find it anywhere else and it was a waste to just threw it away. However, the future waited ahead, it would come unknowingly and you should anticipate it. We won’t know that maybe the future will be so much better, brighter and more beautiful.
Outside the garden, a male couldn’t bear his wounded heart anymore. He decided to give up everything because he realized that he couldn’t have it again. What he had lost never come to him again, so what the difference between those things and this one. With heavy steps, he left the garden and the love he’d been keeping for years and never let it loose even for once, but the love itself had gone and left him alone, so why bother to bring it back? and why bother to live again?
A/N 2 I really want this to come to an end soon, just said this is my apology for not updating for about a month.
A/N 3 Check also the epilogue… I intend to post the epilogue tomorrow but… just get it on, this story has come to an end though^^
Postingan (Atom)